Let’s start with a question...

Are you one of the 48% of people without green fingers? If that’s the case, we’re here to help. Planting and gardening is clinically proven to reduce stress and make you happier, and it’s good for the planet too.

It’s easy - all you need is a pencil and our simple tips.


Planting tips

🌱 Fill a plant pot with soil (ideally seedling compost) and leave a 2 cm gap between the top of the soil and the rim of the pot.
🌱 Plant your Sprout pencil at an angle, making sure the green tip is 1-2 cm deep.


When to water

🌱 Water with cold water, unless you’re planting basil. (Basil can be picky and prefers tepid or lukewarm water.)
🌱 Feel the soil so you know how wet it is. You can also lift it up to see if it’s heavier - heavy is good!


Now, be patient

🌱 Place in a sunny spot and water every two to three days, making sure that the soil is damp to the touch.
🌱 You should see seedlings start to sprout in 10-30 days, depending on what you’ve planted.




Planting Makes You Feel Good

Scientific studies from around the world have discovered clinical benefits to planting and gardening.

Did you know that getting your hands dirty can…

🌱 Reduce stress, muscle tension and blood pressure
🌱 Boosts your mood and gives you a sense of achievement
🌱 Reduces depression and anxiety overall?


Of course you know that plants are good for the planet.

Take a look at three of the environment benefits when you get into planting:

🌱 Plants reduce carbon dioxide and produce oxygen
🌱 They support bird and insect life
🌱 Growing fresh food = zero food miles, reducing carbon emissions even further.

Find out more

For more springtime planting tips, join us on Instagram!