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Conscious beauty for the beauty conscious


Beauty giveaway

SproutWorld and ZENZ Organic are excited to launch our first beauty collaboration. Our collaboration is born out of shared values consisting of love, respect and responsibility for the health of our planet. Besides values we share the same mission to work and aspire towards a greener and more sustainable beauty industry, through natural, high-quality products that are good for you and our planet.


GIVEAWAY for 2 lucky winners!
@sproutworldofficial & @Zenzorganic is partnering up for the first time, two brands supporting a greener beauty industry.

You can win:

€ 35 voucher to use on SproutWorld’s EU webshop
€ 65 voucher to use on ZENZ Organic’s webshop

For a chance to WIN, simply:

1. Follow @sproutworldofficial and @zenzorganic on TikTok
2. Mention someone who deserves to win in the comments section on our TikTok giveaway video

The giveaway runs from 15th to 19th December. The winners must be based in the EU. Winners will be contacted directly by DM. The giveaway is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with TikTok.


SproutWorld makeup liners are born of the desire to make the world think and be greener, one small step at a time. We’ve invented the world’s first plantable makeup liners. Once you’ve used up your liner, plant the compostable seed capsule into soil, and watch it sprout into beautiful, bee-friendly wildflowers.

Developed using a vegan formula with only natural ingredients, our high-quality makeup liners have a rich, color intense, and easy-to-apply texture. They’re also AllergyCertified and contain no microplastics.

A member of the B-Corp Beauty Coalition, SproutWorld is committed to creating innovative cosmetics with a second life and zero waste. We’ve thought of every aspect of our makeup liners’ life cycle. Made from certified wood and compostable materials, our liners and packaging are sustainable, carbon neutral and Cradle to Cradle certified – and uniquely, plantable.



Zenz organic

ZENZ Organic Products is a Danish beauty brand designed to give you a feeling of well-being from nature's finest ingredients.

We develop exclusive hair care, styling and skin care products made with the maximum proportion of active, natural and certified organic ingredients, without any harmful chemicals.
The majority of ZENZ Organic Products are made in Denmark in packaging from recycled plastic.

At ZENZ Organic we work for a healthier and more sustainable beauty industry. We do this by working with UN’s 17 Goals for Sustainable Development.



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Introducing SproutWorld’s new Blockchain app


Supply chain transparency

At SproutWorld, working towards being entirely carbon neutral is central to everything we do. We are on our sustainability journey and we recognize that it’s a process. As part of our goal, we want to be as transparent as possible about what we are doing. We want to give our customers the ability to trace what we do throughout the value chain. And by doing these things, we hope to build trust in our sustainability credentials – and share our journey with others.

Why Blockchain?

The launch of our Blockchain app is an exciting development on this journey. And we hope it’s only the start of what’s eventually possible. Put simply, blockchain is a technology that allows people who don't know each other to trust a shared record of events. Why? Because once entered into a blockchain system, that data can’t be changed or modified.

What is SproutWorld's Blockchain app?

SproutWorld's Blockchain app will show key information about our pencils, complete with our certifications. We’ve incorporated a Climate Impact Calculator, which is a feature that’s unique to us. The calculator shows, in real time, how many pencils we've sold, what their carbon footprint is, and how many Carbon Dioxide Units we've used to compensate for their negative impact.

Our Blockchain app will, in time, help us as a brand to monitor, evaluate and strengthen our social and environmental performance. Implementing blockchain in our supply chain is an opportunity for us to rethink how we work with stakeholders and create more collaborative relationships. We believe blockchain has the opportunity to become the universal language for sustainable supply chain management. 

Currently, the industry is learning and preparing for blockchain implementation. At SproutWorld, we have partnered up with a first mover agency and together, we have set the foundations of our blockchain app. 

What comes next?

This is the first step of our blockchain journey and we hope the start of some interesting conversations. Our vision with SproutWorld Blockchain app is to:

- have our suppliers join our blockchain

- implement QR codes on all units

- learn how to use blockchain as a tool against counterfeiting

We want to invite you to take a look at SproutWorld's Blockchain app and see the work we’ve done so far. We’d also love to get your feedback and input so let us know what you think!

See our new Blockchain app here:

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SproutWorld and the 12,000 trees project


SproutWorld and the 12,000 trees project


SproutWorld and the Polish State Forests


SproutWorld has signed an agreement with the Polish State Forests (the only company outside of Poland to do so) – to purchase a 1.4 – hectare plot of idle land (equivalent to two football fields) that’s close to the German border.


Around 12,000 trees will be planted in 2023, with the work of prepping the soil starting in March 2023. The plot is designated as a mixed coniferous forest and will be afforested with species such as pine, birch, spruce, oak, and others. Additionally, biogenetic species like rowan and crab apple, will be introduced.


We are part of the “Forest Carbon Farms” project. Through this project, new forestry will be planted to absorb CO2, store water, produce oxygen, and contribute to greater biodiversity for various forest species. In the future, part of these trees will be harvested and dedicated to ecological and certified sustainable wood production.

SproutWorld can contribute to both a natural and climatic function by protecting and restoring degraded forests and promoting afforestation.


Is there a lack of trees in Poland?

100 years ago, forests covered 40% of Poland, but after World War II, this figure stood at just 21%. Since then, the state has focused on replanting, and today, the country has reached 29% and is aiming for 33% by 2050. Today, Poland is one of the most ambitious in Europe regarding conserving forests and afforestation. It’s of great inspiration to other countries.

How did this project start?

At SproutWorld, we’re always looking for strategic sustainability projects to support, and because the wood for our pencils comes from Poland, I had the idea to reach out to the Polish State Forests to see if we could collaborate somehow. Luckily, they came back with a positive answer.

They informed me of their Carbon Forest Farms project. This project involves inviting Polish companies to plant a certain number of trees every year.

Why are you proud of this project?

Because we give back to the area that we take trees from. And, because we’re part of a bigger project with other companies, this proves to me what we’ve always said at SproutWorld: small things make big things grow. Together we can make a difference.

I’m also proud that we’re the only non-Polish company to participate in the project. I felt honored when I went to Poland in Autumn 2021 to receive the certificate proving our purchase of a piece of land with the sole purpose of planting trees to absorb CO2.


On 9th November 2021, Sidsel Ramussen traveled to Warsaw to participate in a ceremony where she recieved the “plant a forest” certificate on behalf of SproutWorld.


The area, Mieszkowice close to the German border, from above.

What message do you want to send with this project?

Imagine that all companies did something similar. If everyone made a small contribution, where would that leave the planet? In a much better place, I think!


Does it make a difference to plant 12,000 new trees in Poland?

Every newly planted tree is better than no tree. The easiest thing would be to give up and be too overwhelmed by the climate crisis, thinking that you’re too small to make an impact.
12,000 trees do have an effect on CO2 absorption, but the most important thing is that this is part of a much greater project with hundreds of thousands of new trees. Furthermore, this is not a one-off for us, it’s just the beginning, and we plan to purchase more land and plant more trees.

Sidsel Rasmussen, Sustainability Director at SproutWorld

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How to become a B-Corp


Is B Corp for everyone?

3 things to overcome

Arm yourself with patience: ​

It takes time to find all the internal information and documents. You will work with many departments in the company to gather all the information required. ​

The B Lab analysis also takes a long time, as many companies are in the same application stage as you, and B Lab only has a certain number of employed analysts available. We waited 1.5 years before we got certified.

When your patience is tested, and you read every day on LinkedIn about other companies who have just become B Corps, you will ask yourself; "are we there yet?" Preserve the internal motivation, think how cool it is to work for a soon-to-be B Corp, and remember; you'll be there sooooon .....




What does it take?

6 things to think about: ​

It will always make sense to be a best-for-the-world company with as little negative impact as possible on nature, climate, employees, animals, and people. Not to mention the doors it will open for doing business with other B Corps. ​

That being said: ​ ​

• Consider who your audience is. Do they know about B Corp? Is there a first-mover advantage? ​

• Are there other alternatives? Are other communities more suited to your business or recognized in your industry? In the end, you need
to make a difference in your customer’s life and comply with their wishes and expectations for your product/company . ​

• Make sure you have the full support of the owner and management. To become B Corp certified, the company must legally change the
company's corporate governing articles and adopt a legal entity that requires consideration of all stakeholders in its decision-making
(e.g., benefit corporation) ​

• Do you have internal competencies to start and finish the project? Or do you have the budget for outsourcing the project? ​

• Plan for the post-B Corp process: How will you communicate the achievement?

Check out how our Sustainability Director Sidsel Lundtang Rasmussen has worked with the B Corp certification.

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A chat with Sprout Sustainability Director Sidsel Rasmussen


We're B Corp!

We have asked SproutWorld’s Sustainability Director Sidsel Lundtang Rasmussen about how she has worked towards achieving a B Corp certification for SproutWorld and the obstacles and advantages she experienced on the way.


What does B Corp mean?

B Corp means Benefit Corporations. It’s a community for companies that make a profit (versus non-profit organizations) but at the same time have a higher purpose by leaving a positive impact on our world.

What makes B Corp so special?

It’s a third-party certification which means that it is not enough to make your own labelling claims. You need a neutral partner to validate how you work with sustainability in all aspects. It’s a proof that the company’s actions don’t cause harm to the planet.

It’s an outstanding tool to describe, measure, and set new goals for the future strategy on sustainability because these standards apply to everyone that applies to become a B Corp Certified company.

It’s a way of future-proofing your business to make sure you meet the increasing demands from your customers on how you work with sustainability.

It’s an investment in getting into a community of the most sustainable companies in the world. A B Corp certification is a door opener to doing business with other B Corps and with companies that only collaborate with those who meet the highest standards.

It’s a tool to fight greenwashing. Being a B Corp member simply increases your credibility when it comes to sustainability.

Was it a walk in the park?

No, not at all!

It’s a long, costly, and very time consuming process. I worked with the application for months and applied in January 2021. Since then we’ve been in a “soon to be B Corp” phase sending further documentation back and forth. You need a lot of patience because the number of companies that apply has increased considerably in the past few years, so there’s a bottleneck in getting through.

It's been a good way to evaluate all aspects of the company and to make sure we haven’t overlooked something important. It shows where we are doing well and where we need to improve.

What advantages does B Corp have?

B Corp is a very well-known and recognized certification among consumers, especially in the US and the UK. Many customers prefer to buy from B Corps. In the past few years we have experienced an increasing number of business clients asking for more documentation when it comes to sustainability.

Also, it’s a way to attract new employees, especially younger people, because a B Corp Certification earns credibility to the brand and workplace.

Are you thinking about becoming B Corp certified too?

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Blog – Blockchain


Supply Chain Transparency

Sidsel Lundtang Rasmussen, Sprout’s Chief Sustainability Officer, explains how Sprout approaches transparency and traceability with the use of blockchain technology.

When we talk about transparency related to sustainability, what do we mean?

For Sprout, being transparent is about:

- How our products are made and distributed, and importantly what happens after our products have been used
- Showing our CO2 footprint in that process and throughout the total supply chain
- Our sustainability claims
- Showing how we live up to those sustainability claims – and how we can prove it with documentation

Achieving full transparency and traceability in business isn’t easy, but we’re using technology to document it throughout our supply chain. This ensures our products are actually sourced in line with their sustainability claims (e.g., FSC, PEFC or other contracts).

What kind of data is Sprout be open and transparent about?

We share information and data on everything that goes into making Sprout pencils and makeup liners, including contracts, certifications, where the raw materials used originate from and the CO2 impact created through the production and distribution of Sprout products. Most importantly, our message focuses on what consumers can do with the remaining pencil stump and highlighting the benefits that are driven from reusing items instead of throwing them in the trash and buying new ones. All Sprout products are designed with a second life.

What are some of the biggest problems regarding transparency and trust?

It takes time and it’s not an easy task to gather all the necessary data. You have to get all your vendors and partners on board with it, and their partners to, if it’s relevant to your supply chain. Also, you need to make sure that the information you’re sharing isn’t compromising the business. For example, if you’re a small company with not much leverage and you share who your supplier is, a competitor could choose to place a large order with your supplier and potentially meaning they’re not able to fulfil your order. Something like this is what you need to be aware of.

How will your customers be able to see your data in a trustworthy and easy way?

At Sprout, we use blockchain technology to show the process we use to make our products.

What is blockchain?

For a long time, there has been a need for a tool that can verify the green claims that companies make. Blockchain is that tool. It gives people both inside and outside of an organization a guarantee that the information and data they’re looking at is correct and trustworthy.

At its core, blockchain is a distributed digital ledger that stores data. While any conventional database can store information, blockchain is unique in that it’s totally decentralized. Rather than being maintained in one location by a centralized administrator (like an Excel spreadsheet or a bank database) with blockchain, multiple identical copies of the database held on separate computers that are spread out across a network. Data in a blockchain can’t be changed or deleted. Therefore, companies can show total transparency and authenticity through its blockchain.

Blockchain is a better, safer way to record activity and keep data fresh, while maintaining a record of its history. The data can't be corrupted by anyone or accidentally deleted, and you benefit from both a historical trail of data, plus an instantly up-to-date record.

Why does Sprout have a Blockchain?

At Sprout, documenting our work within sustainability is part of our DNA, and blockchain technology gives us the opportunity to have complete traceability and transparency in our value chain. We’re able to back up our green claims with documentation.

What excites you most about it?

Blockchain is an exciting technology to work with, and its possibilities are boundless. And blockchain will be the driving force that will bring an end to the ‘label-jungle’ – green claims that are unsubstantiated. I see the way forward as having a common European blockchain that holds all the necessary documentation. This will enable the removal of all the other EU initiatives, requirements, databases, and rules, which only half of companies know about and consumers even less. I believe blockchain can become the universal language for sustainability.

What are the biggest obstacles and challenges in the blockchain process?

Blockchain technology is unlike any tool we’ve previously used, and it’s taken time to understand it. For us, it’s been a huge help being part of a blockchain network. Together with other brands who are new to this technology, we share ideas and ask questions. Additionally, we’ve brought in a skilled student to help us role out blockchain in Sprout. Working together, we’ll advance our use of blockchain, something I’m very excited about.

What’s your best advice for other companies who want to work with blockchain?

1. Make sure that this technology makes sense for your business. Will it have a positive influence on how you work?

2. Undertake a thorough analysis of what information and data you need to document in the blockchain, as not all of it will be relevant.

3. Before implementing blockchain technology into your business, first talk with your suppliers. Are they up for the task? If not, what is your Plan B?

4. Acquire the resources you need to work with this new technology, preferably hiring someone internally. An idea could be to hire a skilled technology student employee. The future needs them, and you’ll be giving them the opportunity to connect theory and practice in a working environment. It’s a win-win for all.

5. If you decide blockchain is the route you want to go down, before implementing it, get the buy-in of the entire company. It impacts every department so it makes sense.

More about Sprout

Curious about what’s going on at Sprout? Visit our blog ‘The Seed’ and find out more about why we launched makeup liners and why patents matter when you’re building a business.