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Help bees to be happy

Help bees to be happy

Bees are amazing.
These tiny insects busily buzzing around pollinate around a third of the food we eat. A future without bees won’t be a good one. But this is a possibility as bees are in decline mainly due to a loss of habitat.

New Happy Bee edition

The new addition to the Sprout family carries the message that bees are important. Our Happy Bee edition contains five graphite pencils, each engraved with inspiring bee quotes and containing different bee-friendly seeds.
Plant your pencil after use and grow a bee-friendly habitat in your garden, window box or planters – bees will love you for it.

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If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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From a student idea to 10 million-sold seed pencils

From a student idea to 10 million-sold seed pencils

Remember the plantable Sprout pencil that a group of MIT students invented back in 2013?

The patented pencil has become world famous. These days, the start-up behind Sprout World reaches 10 million-sold pencils in over 60 countries. With clients like Disney, Coca Cola, Marriott, McKinsey and Unilever, the U.S. born invention is hitting a demand in time for more sustainable products and new ways to communicate about them.

10 million potentially new plants like tomato, basil and sunflower growing from waste – this is Sprout World´s humble contribution to the planet. Five years after the launch of the world´s first plantable pencil on Kickstarter, this original student project seems to have conquered the world.

Since the beginning of this year, the Sprout pencil has been featured on a long list of big Facebook sites that have a total reach of 150 million followers. Without spending a dime.

The idea with the Sprout pencil is that you plant it, when it becomes too short to write or color with. This way you give it a new life by turning the stub into herbs, vegetables or flowers. The Sprout pencil is 100% natural and biodegradable, and it has become a popular green alternative to company plastic ball pens with logo.

135 million plastic ball pens a day:

“Every year, an estimate of 50 billion ball pens are produced and sold. That is 135 million plastic pens a day! A huge amount of plastic that sooner or later will end up in the landfills. If we could replace just a tiny part of plastic pens with plantable pencils, we have a good reason to be,” says Sprout founder, Michael Stausholm.

Stausholm also explains that his company is still faithful to the DNA of the student´s desire to develop a product that inspires businesses and consumers to more sustainability.

“First of all, while many start-ups move their production to Asia as they grow, we have kept the production in Minnesota to cater to our U.S. and Canadian markets. By doing this, we save CO2 and keep jobs in the U.S. at the same time. The rest of the world get pencils produced in Poland – under ethical work conditions, of course,” adds Stausholm.

“Secondly, we don´t just sell pencils. We are on a mission to be the preferred alternative, when it comes to showing that small steps matter when it comes to sustainability. If you can plant a pencil stub, what else can you do to recycle more? This is the spirit that lies in our pencils and in the mentality of the Sprout team. The story of what the pencil can do and how people and businesses can benefit is what drives the wheel,” he says.

Growing demand for sustainable products:

Michael Stausholm has great expectations to both the U.S. (Northern America) and the European markets in the coming years.

“There is no doubt that businesses today are forced to look for more sustainable products and solutions. However, they also seek good ways to communicate with partners and customers in new ways. And here Sprout is an ideal solution,” he says.

90% of Sprout´s sales go to businesses, 10% to private consumers. He expects the consumer market to grow to 15% in 2019. A goal we will reach thanks to a growing presence on Amazon, where the Sprout pencils are now being sold in seven countries, including the USA and Canada. Mexico and Japan are the next countries on the list.

Sprout World is also developing the world´s first plantable makeup pencil that they expect to launch in the beginning of 2019.

A bit about the background:

The idea of a plantable pencil comes from a group of MIT students five years ago. Today, the patented Sprout pencils are sold in over 60 countries – mainly to businesses and organizations that get their logo and messages engraved and use the pencils as green giveaways.

There is a growing trend both in Europe and in the USA to demand more sustainable products. Businesses are longing for new ways to communicate about their green initiatives.

Sprout has clients like Disney, Coca Cola, WWF, Marriott, Toyota, McKinsey, New York Highline, Spice and Tea Exchange. The Sprout pencils are also sold onboard airliners, in more than 20 different airlines shops.

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If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Sustainable marketing strategies

Sustainable marketing strategies

Is sustainability on top of your company’s agenda? And do you want to communicate your green messages to existing and future customers? If yes, continue to read and be inspired to implement your sustainable marketing strategies.

A simple but fun element of your sustainable marketing strategies

We at Sproutworld believe in sustainability, and we have the clear goal to raise people’s awareness of the environment and natural surroundings. Therefore, we have created a simple, but fun feature as an element in your company’s marketing strategies – our patented Sprout pencil.
The Sprout pencil is a 100 percent non-toxic high-quality pencil that is made of biodegradable quality materials under sustainable conditions. The pencil can be customized with your company logo or slogan so you can spread your green messages to your customers, stakeholders and business partners.

Sprout pencil – the gift that gives back

The Sprout pencil in not just made of sustainable materials, it continues to contribute to sustainability even after it has been used. Sprout pencils contain a non-GMO plant seed and is ready to be planted when the pencil is too short to write or draw with.

Put the pencil stub in a flowerpot with good compost, and fresh vegetables, beautiful flowers or aromatic herbs will sprout from the compost. Sprout pencils come with a wide palette of seeds, and if your order exceeds 25,000 pencils, you are free to pick your own seeds.

The sprout pencil is the gift that gives back to nature – an obvious gift idea for your customers and a simple, but fun element of your sustainable marketing strategies.

Order Sprout pencil today and spread your green message

Give the Sprout pencil as a promotional gift in connection with product launches, conferences, seminars, trade fairs etc and spread your company’s green message to the world.

Contact us or read more here if you want to know how you get a customized Sprout pencil with your company logo and how the pencil contributes to your sustainable marketing strategies.

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If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Branded corporate gifts with sustainable messages

Branded corporate gifts with sustainable messages

Although we live in a digital time, and a large part of companies’ marketing initiatives are online, analogue marketing initiatives can still be very effective. For instance, many companies choose to give branded corporate gifts to customers and employees to promote their products and services.

Increased consumer responsibility and an increasing demand for sustainable products place demands on companies’ branded corporate gifts. That is why we at Sprout have developed a simple but 100 percent sustainable idea – a corporate gift that sprouts and turns into vigorous plants. We call it the Sprout pencil – the gift that gives back to nature.

Sustainable, branded corporate gifts

The Sprout pencil is a 100 percent sustainably produced high-quality pencil that can be engraved with your company logo. Therefore, it is an obvious choice for companies that are in search of branded corporate gifts that can help spread their sustainable messages.

However, not just the materials and the production make the Sprout pencil a sustainable corporate gift. We have embedded a non-GMO plant seed at the bottom of all Sprout pencils, which is why the pencils have a secondary function. If you plant the pencil in a flowerpot when it is too short to write with, it will literally turn into new life with fragrant herbs, tasty vegetables or beautiful and colorful flowers. And the pencil – all the way from graphite and PEFC/FSC certified wood to the enclosed seed capsule – is naturally 100 percent degradable in nature.

We can hardly think of more sustainable, branded corporate gifts.

Personalize your Sprout pencil

Corporations and organization worldwide that want to spread their green message already use the Sprout pencil. Personalize your unique collection of sustainable, branded corporate gifts that turn into green life, and give the pencil to customers and employees in connection with product launches, trade fairs, conferences and other events.
Do you want to learn more about the Sprout pencil, please do not hesitate to contact the Sprout team.

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If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Business logo promotional items – plant your sustainable message

Business logo promotional items – plant your sustainable message

Do you use promotional items to promote your business logo? Are corporate social responsibility and ecoconsciousness important elements in your marketing strategy? Then do like corporations and organizations in the whole world and spread your company’s sustainable message with the Sprout pencil – the plantable pencil that turns into green life when it is too short to write with.

Sustainable business logo promotional items

We at Sprout believe in sustainability, and we love the idea of not throwing out pencil stubs and instead giving them new life – literally. That is why we have created the Sprout pencil – a 100 percent sustainable pencil that can be engraved with your company logo and be used as business logo promotional items.

The Sprout pencil is made of PEFC/FSC certified wood and of 100 percent non-toxic and biodegradable graphite and is produced under sustainable production conditions.

However, the Sprout pencil is so much more than a pencil. All Sprout pencils contain a non-GMO plant seed which is embedded in a biodegradable seed capsule at the end of the pencil. When the pencil has done its duty, you can plant it in a flowerpot with compost, and after a few weeks, new life will sprout from the capsule.

You can literally sow your green messages with the Sprout pencil and see them turn into beautiful flowers, fresh vegetables or fragrant herbs. We can hardly think of more sustainable business logo promotional items.

Customize your Sprout pencils with your business logo

If you order more than 500 pencils, we can deliver the Sprout pencils with your business logo or message. Do like Ikea, Toyota and Coca-Cola — and give the pencil to your customers in connection with trade fairs, conferences, product launches, and spread your company’s sustainable message.
Read more about our sustainable business logo promotional items here or contact us if you want to learn more about our plantable pencil.

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If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Sustainable balcony garden ideas

Sustainable balcony garden ideas

Although you do not have access to a large backyard, it does not mean you cannot have green life in your outside room to grow vegetables, herbs and flowers on the balcony. If you are looking for inspiration for balcony garden ideas, read here where we focus on a fun, alternative and not least sustainable way of growing green life on your balcony.

Balcony garden ideas that focus on sustainability

Sustainability is taking care of the environment so the impact by our actions gets as small as possible – for instance recycling and avoiding materials that are not biodegradable in nature.

We at sprout believe in sustainability, and we want more people to take responsibility for the environment. That is why we have created a simple and fun, but sustainable solution: The Sprout pencil – a pencil with an enclosed seed capsule that sprouts and turns into green life when you sow the stub when it has become too short to draw or write with.

Bury the pencil stub in a flower box with good compost and make sure it gets adequate water and natural light. After a few weeks, fresh vegetables, aromatic herbs or beautiful flowers will sprout from the biodegradable seed capsule. We believe it is one of the most creative garden ideas – and it is 100 percent sustainable.

Spread your balcony garden ideas and contribute to sustainability

The Sprout pencil is an obvious gift idea to the creative soul who also wants to contribute to sustainability. The pencil is available in different colors and is made of high-quality graphite that makes it perfect to write or draw with. And all elements of the Sprout pencil – from the wood to the embedded seed capsule – are naturally biodegradable.
Take a look at our selection of non-GMO quality seeds in our catalog or contact us if you want to learn more about how Sprout pencils contribute to the environment and your balcony garden ideas.

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If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Sustainable business promotional gifts

Sustainable business promotional gifts

Many businesses use promotional gifts as an element of their marketing plans. More and more companies have an ecoconscious identity and make requirements to their promotional gifts. We at Sprout have the ideal promotion gift idea to those companies. The Sprout pencil – a 100 percent biodegradable and sustainable promotional pencil that turns into green life after use.

Let your business promotional gifts sprout

The Sprout pencil is so much more than just a promotional gift. You can have your company logo or message engraved in the pencil which makes it suitable when you promote your business. But whereas many promotional gifts end in the garbage bin when they can no longer be used, a Sprout pencil turns into new life when it is too short to write with.

We have embedded a non-GMO plant seed which is encapsulated at the end of all Sprout pencils – ready to sprout if you bury the pencil stub in a flowerbox with compost. With Sprout pencils you can literally let your business’s promotional gifts sprout and turn into new life when they have done their duty.

Let flowers, herbs and plants sprout

The Sprout pencil is the ideal promotional gift for a company that plans to spread its sustainable message to customers or employees. The Sprout pencil is the gift that gives back to nature.
Use it as one of your business promotional gifts in connection with product launches, trade fairs or conferences and give the recipient the joy of watching how a writing utensil with your company name turns into fresh vegetables, aromatic herbs or beautiful flowers.

Order your customized Sprout pencil

Customize your Sprout pencil with your company logo and plant a seed of your choice and contribute to sustainability. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Let’s celebrate international Pencil Day, March 30, 2021

Let’s celebrate international Pencil Day, March 30, 2021

Today we celebrate one of the world’s most influential communication tools. It’s not the telephone, the fax machine or the computer – it’s a much older invention: the pencil. 450 years ago, it revolutionized the world, making it possible for everyone to write down their ideas and thoughts. Today the pencil is still a tool to bring unborn ideas to life, but it’s much more than that. It’s becoming a popular symbol of new life. With the newest invention from Sprout World, the good old pencil can now grow into a new tree when you’re done with it.

Every child around the world learns to write their name with it. Architects, carpenters, cartoonists and students use it on a daily basis. In fact, everyone who needs to make a mark that’s not permanent use a pencil.

Today we celebrate the invention of the pencil and look back at how it has developed over the years.

International Pencil Day is the 30th of March each year. On this day, 163 years ago in 1858, the American Hymen L. Lipman received the patent for a pencil with an eraser attached to the end.

But the story is much older. Let’s get back to the beginning; the birth of the pencil.

In the 1500’s:

A large source of graphite was discovered in England. The English workers soon discovered that the graphite made a darker mark on paper than lead, so they called it black lead. A term that is still leading to the misunderstanding that pencils contain lead. The English wrapped graphite sticks in paper of string and sold them on the street. This new invention was called the pencil – from the Latin word pencillum which means fine brush. The best thing: it was erasable with bread crumbs

In the 1600’s:

A woodworker in England came up with the idea of enclosing graphite in wood. The two halves of wood were glued together with the graphite inside. The first wooden pencil was born. It was a big invention; it was dry, you could bring it anywhere, it was affordable and erasable.

In the late 1700’s:

The English mines were running out of graphite and a war against France put an end to the pencil supply to France. France had to find a solution so the scientist and military commander Nicolas-Jacques Conté came up with the idea to mix the two main ingredients: ground-up graphite and clay. It’s the same mix that is used in today’s pencils. To encase the lead in wood, Conté cut a groove out of an entire wooden stick, rather than first cutting a stick in half like the English did. The pencil lead was glued into the groove, and another piece of wood was glued on top of the lead
Conté’s pencil was patented in 1795.

In the mid-late 1800’s

Conte’s mixing method spread and coincided with the invention of machinery. Factories began to mass produce pencils and pencil-making became a million-dollar industry.
The German A.W. Faber company, today known as Faber-Castell, became very popular and their long-time rival, The J.S. Staedtler company, made about two million pencils per year in the 1870s. In America, the Joseph Dixon Crucible Company was on its way to becoming one of the country’s most iconic brands.

In 1858

The American stationer Hymen L. Lipman received the patent for a pencil with an eraser attached to the end. The patent was declared invalid in 1875 with the argument that a pencil and an eraser didn’t need to be attached in order to be used.

In the 1900’s

During this century all kinds of pencils are produced; just think about the mechanical “eversharp” pencils, colored pencils, golf pencils, IKEA pencils and many more. Pencils become common in every household and in every child’s schoolbag.


The pencil went through the most important reinvention for ages when a group of students from MIT, Boston replaced the eraser with a seed capsule, turning it into the world’s first plantable pencil. The company Sprout World soon turned it into a popular symbol of sustainability and new life. The idea was to plant the pencil when it was too short to write or color with and then give it a new life by planting it. The patented Sprout pencil from Sprout World can grow into herbs, vegetables or flowers.


Sprout World has completed the life circle of the pencil with the invention of a pencil that grows a new tree. Finding an easy germinating tree seed that would fit into the capsule of the Sprout pencil was a complicated process, but they managed to make a Sprout pencil that grows into a spruce tree.
A spruce can live for 100 years and you can make over 170.000 pencils out of one tree.

Fun facts about pencils:

• More than 14 billion pencils are produced in the world every year.
• Pencil sales in the United States increased 6.8 percent in 2018, according to a study by the NPD Group.
• Pencils don’t contain lead.
• Karl Lagerfeld is said to have preferred to draw his designs with a pencil
• Goethe preferred to write with a pencil rather than a pen
• Star architect Norman Foster first put all the designs of his buildings on paper with a pencil

Fun facts about Sprout pencils:

• They are 100% natural made from sustainably harvested wood, graphite and clay
• You can get them with 10 different seeds, including basil, cherry tomato, spruce tree or sunflower
• Sprout makes both plantable graphite Sprout pencils and colored Sprout pencils
• The Sprout pencil is patented
• It’s perfectly safe if you accidentally chew on the capsule—it’s a 100% natural product

About Sprout World:

Sprout World is the company behind the world’s first plantable pencil. It was founded in 2013 by the Danish entrepreneur Michael Stausholm and has sold over 30 million Sprout pencils to 80 countries. The patented Sprout pencil has a capsule in the end and can grow into flowers, herbs, vegetables or trees when you plant it.
Sprout’s mission is to inspire people and companies to take more sustainable actions, no matter how big or small they are. If you can plant a pencil after use, what else can you do to leave a positive impact on the planet?
Sprout World wants to offer a green alternative to the 135 million plastic ballpoint pens that are being produced in the world each day.
The Sprout pencils can be customized for companies that use them as green giveaways. As a new service, it’s also possible for private consumers to customize their pencils for weddings, birthdays, workshops, baptisms etc.

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Eco-friendly alternatives to promotional pens for business

Eco-friendly alternatives to promotional pens for business

Does your company use promotional pens to promote your business? And would you like a more sustainable alternative? If yes, we are pleased to introduce the Sprout pencil – a 100 percent sustainable pencil that sprouts after it has done its duty as a writing utensil.

Environmental drawback of conventional promotional pens for businesses

Promotional pens for business contain plastic and ink – materials that take centuries to degrade in nature. And as the pens are rarely refilled with ink when they dry out, people throw them away when the pens can no longer write.
There can be environmental costs related to pens, so there is a good reason to consider alternatives to conventional promotional pens to promote your business if your company has corporate social responsibility and environmental awareness in your DNA.

The Sprout pencil – the plantable and 100 percent sustainable pencil

We at Sprout we believe in sustainability, and we want more people to care about our environment. That is why we have given our own humble contribution to improve the environment. We call it the Sprout pencil.

Above all, the Sprout pencil consists of sustainable and biodegradable materials. However, the pencil continues to contribute to sustainability, even after its last stroke. All Sprout pencils contain a biodegradable seed capsule with a non-GMO seed inside which sprouts and turns into colorful flowers, fresh and delicious vegetables or aromatic and fragrant herbs if you bury the pencil stub in a flowerpot.

We can also produce the Sprout pencil with your company logo so you can spread your green message to your customers – and inspire them to contribute to sustainable initiatives.

For the ecoconscious company the Sprout pencil is a 100 percent sustainable alternative to ordinary promotion pens for business marketing. Read more about how you can use the Sprout pencil in your marketing plans here or contact us if you want to learn more about the plantable promotional pencil.

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If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Creative pencils with company logo

Creative pencils with company logo

Does your company use promotional gifts in your marketing plan? And are you in search of gift ideas that are of interest for the recipient and increase your company’s recognition value? If so, we are pleased to introduce the Sprout pencil – pencils with company logo that turn into vigorous plants.

Sustainable pencil with your company logo

The Sprout pencil is a high-quality pencil that is made of non-toxic and biodegradable materials. If you order more than 500 pencils, we deliver them with your company logo, and the Sprout pencil can be used as an element in your marketing plan.

However, the Sprout pencil is not just another promotional pencil. We have integrated a biodegradable plant capsule at the bottom of the pencil which contains a non-GMO plant seed. Bury the pencil in the potting compost when it is too short to write with, and let new life sprout from the enclosed seed capsule.

That means that with the Sprout pencil you can create awareness to your company by spreading your sustainable message and watch it turn into beautiful herbs, flowers or vegetables.

The Pencil with company logo which your customers want to keep

Although many companies use pencils with company logo as an element in their marketing plan, the gifts do not always serve their purpose. The pencils may disappear in the recipient’s drawer – along with the awareness of your company.

With Sprout pencils wearing your company logo your customers are most likely to keep the pencil – and remember your particular company. The Sprout pencil is a fun and sustainable gadget that will inspire the recipient to create new life.

Give it as a gift to customers or employees in connection with trade fairs, conferences and product launches or in connection with festive seasons or special occasions.

Order Sprout pencils with your company logo

Read even more about Sprout pencils here or contact us if you want to order your own tailored collection of sustainable pencils with your company logo.

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If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Personalized business gifts for sustainable companies

Personalized business gifts for sustainable companies

Numerous companies use personalized business gifts as an element of their marketing strategy. Business gifts help recognize your customers, employees and other stakeholders, and they often feel more appreciated when they receive personalized business gifts from your company. Business gifts are perfect for personal greetings, but also suitable for creating awareness of your business and your messages.

We at Sprout have created the perfect business gift to ecoconscious companies that want to display their sustainability to others. We call it the Sprout pencil – the promotional pencil that sprouts and turns into a plant when you bury it in a flowerpot.

Plantable personalized business gifts – gifts that give back

The Sprout pencil may be a humble business gift. In return, it is one of the most sustainable personalized business gifts there is.

The pencil is made of reusable, biodegradable and non-toxic materials such as graphite, wood and clay and is also produced under sustainable conditions. However, not just the materials and the production alone make the Sprout pencil 100 percent sustainable.

In all Sprout pencils we have embedded a biodegradable plant capsule. The capsules contain a non-GMO seed that turns into vegetables, flowers or vegetables when the pencil stub is buried in the soil after it has been used.

Long-lasting and biodegradable materials

Above all, the Sprout pencil is made to write, draw or design, and the pencil is made of quality graphite which means that your customers get a long-lasting product when your company uses it as one of your personalized business gifts. At the same time, the pencil is 100 percent biodegradable, and it will turn into compost if you bury it.
Sprout pencils are sustainable all the way from production to sprouting.
If you want to know more about how your company can use Sprout pencils as personalized business gifts? Please contact Sprout and learn more.

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If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Recent trends in green marketing

Recent trends in green marketing

Does your company or organization focus on sustainable marketing, and are you curious about recent trends in green marketing? We at Sprout have a simple but fun idea as to how your company can stand out to future and existing customers — and at the same time give back to nature.

Sprout pencil – a recent trends in green marketing

In the last few years the environmental movement has gained attention in the corporate world, and companies are trying to keep up with the recent trends in green marketing.

We at Sprout believe in sustainability, and as we want more people to care about our natural surroundings, we have sowed a green and sustainable idea that numerous large-scale corporations have embraced — and it has even become a recent trend in green marketing.

We call it the Sprout Pencil – a 100 percent sustainable pencil with an optional logo which after use turns into fresh vegetables, fragrant herbs or colorful flowers.

The promotional gift that gives back to nature

The Sprout pencil is so much more than a recent trend in green marketing. And your company can spread your green message through the pencil in connection with product launches, trade fairs, conferences and other similar events.

But the Sprout pencil is so much more than a pencil. All Sprout pencils contain of 100 percent biodegradable seed capsule with a non-GMO plant seed inside. When the pencil becomes too short to write with, put it in a flowerpot, and green life will sprout from the stub.

With the Sprout pencil your company gets a promotional gift that gives back to nature. It does not get more sustainable than that.

Customize your Sprout pencil

Read more about how your company can use the Sprout pencil in your marketing campaign, and how you can make the world a greener place by clicking here. If you want to learn more about our contributions to recent trends in marketing, please do not hesitate to contact the Sprout team

With the Sprout pencil your company gets a promotional gift that gives back to nature. It does not get more sustainable than that.

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If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Sustainable marketing examples

Sustainable marketing examples

You can probably think of countless sustainable marketing examples. We at Sprout have a simple but fun idea for green marketing initiatives. Our 100 percent non-toxic and 100 percent sustainable Sprout pencil – the pencil that turns into a plant after use. It is an example of sustainable marketing.

Set good sustainable marketing examples

The Sprout pencil is the ideal choice for your company if you want to set a good example for sustainable marketing. Naturally, the pencil is made of 100 percent biodegradable materials, and it has been produced under sustainable production conditions.

However, the Sprout pencil is so much more than a sustainable pencil – it is plantable and can be planted after use. All Sprout pencils contain a non-GMO plant seed that is embedded in a biodegradable capsule, therefore the pencils turn into beautiful flowers, fragrant herbs or delicious vegetables when they have done their duty. All you need to do bury the pencil stub in a flowerpot turned upside down, and green life will sprout from the seed capsule.

We at Sprout believe that the Sprout pencil is one of the most creative sustainable marketing examples. With the pencil you can spread your message in a sustainable and environmental-friendly way.

Get a customized Sprout pencil for your company

Customize the Sprout pencil with your company logo or message and make the pencil an element of your marketing strategy. Corporations such as Toyota, Coca-Cola, Ikea and VisitDenmark have already used the patented high-quality pencils in their marketing strategy and contributed to setting good marketing examples.

Read more about how the Sprout pencil becomes an element of your company’s marketing strategies and read examples of how other companies spread their green messages by clicking here.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to learn more about sustainable marketing and examples of the use of the Sprout pencil.

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If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Custom printed pencils – unique and exceptional gifts to customers and employees

Custom printed pencils – unique and exceptional gifts to customers and employees

Numerous companies use custom printed pencils to boost their recognition value and sale. A pencil is hardly a creative and unique business gift, and although its intentions are good, there is a risk that the recipients forget all about your company shortly after they have received the pencil.

But not necessarily. We at Sprout have created a collection of promotional pencils with a fun, secondary purpose. They turn into new life if you plant them in a flowerpot when they are too short to draw or write with.

Custom printed pencils which the receiver keeps

If your promotional gifts are to be measurable, it is vital that they will not be forgotten, and that the recipient benefits from them. The same goes for custom printed pencils.

Sprout’s custom printed pencils will definitely inspire your recipients so they remember your company. And when the pencil has done its duty, they can plant it and it turns into herbs, vegetables or flowers. All Sprout pencils contain a non-GMO plant seed that is embedded in a biodegradable seed capsule at the top of the pencil.

Put the pencil in a 30-degree angle in a flowerpot with good compost, water it frequently and make sure it gets plenty of natural light. After a few weeks, new life will sprout from the pencil. The recipients of the pencil will keep it – especially a gift that gives back to nature.

Spread your sustainable message with our custom printed pencils

With Sprout custom printed pencils you can give your customers or employees a unique and exceptional gift – and at the same time spread your company’s sustainable message.

Customize your unique collection of Sprout pencils with plant seeds of your choice – from juicy tomatoes and aromatic basil to colorful forget-me-nots and a wide palette of other vigorous plants. Or contact us if you want to learn more about our plantable custom printed pencils.

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If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Personalized pencils for sustainable businesses

Personalized pens for sustainable businesses

Pencils with your company logo can be an effective way of catching the attention of potential customers. At Sprout we have created a palette of personalized pens for businesses, and not only can you use it as an element of your company’s marketing plan, you can also communicate your sustainable message to the world. We call it the Sprout pencil.

Watch your green message turn into green life

Needless to say, the Sprout pencil can be engraved with your company logo – but the pencils are more than personalized pens for businesses that want to catch the attention of their customers and other stakeholders.

The Sprout pencil is made of 100 percent natural clay and graphite and PEFC/FSC certified wood, and naturally it has been produced under sustainable conditions. However, not only the materials and the production make the pencil sustainable.

As opposed to regular personalized pens for business, the Sprout pencil is 100 percent reusable and biodegradable. At the end of the pencil is a non-GMO plant seed which is embedded in a biodegradable capsule. When the pencil is too short for its primary use, your customers can plant the pencil stub in a pot and see your company’s green message turn into green life – fragrant flowers, aromatic herbs or delicious and fresh vegetables.

Create your own sustainable personalized pens for business

If you use our design templates and guides, it could not be easier to design your very own personalized pens for businesses. Compose your own collection of pencils and spread your sustainable message to your customers – for instance by giving them the Sprout pencil as a promotional gift in connection with trade fairs, conferences, product launches and other events.

Sprouts’ personalized pens for businesses are excellent communicators, and corporations such as Coca-Cola, Toyota, VisitDenmark and Ikea have already used the pencils as an element of their green marketing strategy.

Contact us if your company want to learn more about how Sprout pencils can communicate your sustainable message.

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If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Green marketing examples

Green marketing examples

We at Sprout believe in sustainability, and we want more people to take responsibility for the environment. Obviously, the responsibility is also our own, and being a company with sustainable visions, we feel obliged to present green marketing examples that other companies can use to raise awareness of sustainability in the world.

That is why we have developed the Sprout pencil – the pencil that continues to give back to nature even after it is too short to write, draw or design with.

An environmental-friendly promotional gift

The Sprout pencil has several functions. Firstly, it contains the high-quality graphite that makes the pencil perfect for writing, drawing and designing. Further, the Sprout pencil can be customized with your company message or logo, so the pencil is the obvious choice if your company is in search of green marketing examples.

And naturally, the Sprout pencil is made of 100 percent non-toxic sustainable materials. However, the sustainability idea does not end at the production line. All Sprout pencils have a seed capsule that contains a non-GMO plant seed. Therefore, it is possible for your customers to plant the pencil when it is too short to write with.

All you have to do is to put the stub in a flowerpot turned upside down, and fresh vegetables, beautiful flowers or fragrant herbs will sprout from the capsule.

Simple but creative green marketing – examples of how you can use the Sprout pencil

Corporations such as Coca-Cola, Ikea, VisitDenmark and Toyota have already embraced the Sprout pencil and made it an element of their sustainable marketing strategy. For instance, they give the pencils as promotional gifts or as gifts to customers and employees in connection with product launches.

If you want to read more about green marketing and examples of using the Sprout pencil, you can read our different cases here. Please feel free to contact the Sprout team if you want to learn more about how a small pencil with a great idea can be an element of your marketing strategy.

Still looking?

If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Corporate social responsibility in marketing

Corporate social responsibility in marketing

Numerous companies incorporate corporate social responsibility in their marketing strategy. And with good reason. Customers and stakeholders increasingly expect companies to take responsibility for the environment. Therefore, CSR should be an important element of a modern company’s marketing strategy.
But how can your company implement corporate social responsibility in your marketing strategy? We at Sprout have a simple, but effective solution.

Make corporate social responsibility an element of your marketing strategy

Basically, CSR is about taking a global and social responsibility — for instance caring about the environment. Many companies already place the responsibility for our natural surroundings on top of their agenda and communicate environmental awareness and corporate social responsibility in their marketing strategy. We at Sprout have created a simple marketing tool that help companies spread their green message to the world: The Sprout pencil.

The Sprout pencil is a 100 percent sustainable high-quality pencil made of non-toxic and biodegradable materials. Of course, you can customize the pencil with your company logo or message, and it is therefore an effective tool to communicate your green message.

Spread your sustainable message and give back to nature

The Sprout pencil is so much more than a promotional pencil made of sustainable materials. The Sprout pencil is the gift that gives back to nature.

At the top of all Sprout pencils is a biodegradable seed capsule containing a non-GMO plant seed. When the pencil is too short to write or draw with, your customers can put the pencil in a flowerpot, and fragrant herbs, beautiful flowers or fresh vegetable will sprout from the pencil stub.

In doing so, the Sprout pencil continues to be sustainable, even after having done its duty as a writing utensil.
If you want to know more about how the Sprout pencil can be used to communicate corporate social responsibility in your marketing strategy, you can read more here or contact the Sprout team.

Still looking?

If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Be the reason why bees are happy

Be the reason why bees are happy

Bee-lieve it or not, but our future and the survival of many species rely on the humble bee. Bees are responsible for pollinating plants that produce most of the fruits, vegetables and nuts that we and a lot of animal species eat.

You may see the odd bee buzzing around now and again, but sadly bees are in decline. Urbanization, modern farming methods, changing lifestyles and a loss of wild areas are having a negative effect on the health of bees and it also means bees have less plants to pollinate, which means less food for us!

The world is better with bees in it

It’s not all bad news, and there are reasons to bee happy. We have the power to ensure the survival of bees. One very important way to help the bees is by planting more bee-friendly flowers. With the Happy Bee edition, you can easily spread this important message.

Sprout pencils are nature’s friend; they’re 100% natural, pencils are made from certified wood, the writing material is graphite and after use the pencils can planted to sprout new life. Sprout pencils are the original and patented plantable pencils and are made under ethical working conditions in Europe.

The Happy Bee edition contains five graphite plantable pencils, each engraved with inspiring bee quotes and containing different bee-friendly seeds; Sage, Chia, Coriander, Carnation and Thyme.

Be bee-friendly

Using or gifting Sprout pencils that contain bee-friendly seeds is a great conversation starter about the importance of bees; plus, these pencils sprout into plants that bees adore.

As well as planting Happy Bee pencils, here are some other ways you can help bees:

- Plant flowers that provide nectar and pollen.
- Let your friends, teacher or family know about the importance of bees
- Don’t use insecticides or chemical fertilizers on the flowers
- Make a bee hotel
- Don’t swat bees! They may sting you and you’ll be stopping the vital work bees do for the environment—and us

Unbee-livable facts about bees

As you can tell we love bees at Sprout, and here are some reasons why:

- Bee colonies can contain tens of thousands of bees (that’s enough to fill a football stadium)
- Bees are vegetarians, only eating plant nectar
- A bee colony has one queen bee, and she lays all the eggs. Go Queen Bee!

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If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Natural corporate gift items for employees

Natural corporate gift items for employees

Are you looking for ideas for sustainable corporate gift items for your employees for Christmas or a special occasion in your company? Or do you just want to show your employees that you appreciate them? If yes, we have the ideal gift idea – a pencil that sprouts and turns into vegetables, flowers or herbs when it can no longer be used to write or draw with.

Sustainable corporate gifts items for your employees

For companies with a sustainable identity it can be a challenge to find corporate gift items for the employees they appreciate and contribute positively to sustainability at the same time. We at Sprout have created a simple but 100 percent sustainable corporate gift item to those companies – the Sprout pencil.

The Sprout pencil is a high-quality pencil that is made of non-toxic graphite and PEFC/FSC certified wood. Further, the pencil is produced under sustainable conditions, and naturally, it is 100 percent biodegradable in nature. However, it is not only the production and its materials that make the pencil more sustainable than most other corporate gift items for our employees.

When the Sprout pencil is too short to use as a writing or drawing utensil, your employees can plant the pencil stub and let colorful flowers, aromatic herbs or fresh vegetables sprout from the embedded seed capsule at the bottom of the pencil. So, the Sprout pencil is sustainable all the way from the production, through to its use as a writing utensil, until your employees harvest the sprouting crops.

Customized corporate gift items for employees

If you want to personalize your sustainable corporate gift items for your employees, Sprout pencil also delivers the pencils with logo or message of your own choice. Ikea in Belgium has already used Sprout pencils as corporate gifts that communicate their sustainable message – and your company can be next.
Read more about the choice of color, engraving and non-GMO plant seeds in our catalog or contact us if you want to learn more about our sustainable gift items for employees.

Still looking?

If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Socially responsible marketing examples

Socially responsible marketing examples

Are corporate social responsibility and responsibility for the environment integral elements of your company DNA? And are you looking for socially responsible marketing examples that communicate your green message to your customers?

We at Sprout have the obvious promotional gift for companies that want to display sustainability. The Sprout pencil – the pencil that turns into beautiful flowers, fragrant herbs or fresh vegetables when it has been used.

100 percent sustainable and socially responsible marketing examples

We at Sprout believe in sustainability, and we want more people to care about our natural environment. That is why we have created the Sprout pencil – a humble but 100 percent sustainable marketing tool that helps companies communicate their green messages to the world.

You probably think that the Sprout pencil is a simple socially responsible marketing example, but it is also one of the most sustainable. When the pencil is too short to write with, green plants sprout from its stub when you put it in a flowerpot.

All Sprout pencils contain a biodegradable and non-toxic seed capsule with a non-GMO plant seed inside it. Bury the stub in the potting compost, and green life will sprout from the seed capsule.

This is how you transform your green messages into plants

Naturally, the Sprout pencils are made of 100 percent non-toxic materials produced under sustainable conditions. And as it is not meant to be thrown away after use, the pencil contributes to sustainability in the entire value chain from production, through to using it as a writing utensil to the sprouting of the seed in the capsule.
If you order more than 500 pencils, Sprout customizes the Sprout pencil with your company logo, and you can transform your green message into green plants. Corporations such as Toyota, Ikea and Coca-Cola have already given Sprout pencils as promotional gifts in connection with trade fairs, conferences and other events.
Is your company also in search of socially responsible marketing examples, and do you want to know more about the Sprout pencil, do not hesitate to contact the Sprout team.

Still looking?

If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Unique hostess gifts

Unique hostess gifts

Whether the occasion is an informal dinner party with good friends or something more formal, it is custom to bring a small gift to the host or hostess. So instead of bringing the usual bottle of wine or bunch of flowers, you may consider a unique hostess gift. If you need inspiration for a creative gift, read here where we focus on Sprout pencil – a multifunctional gift.

Plantable pencils are unique hostess gifts

A pencil may sound a bit tedious, and you are certain you can think of far more creative and unique hostess gifts.
However, our Sprout pencil is so much more than just a traditional pencil. All Sprout pencils contain a non-GMO plant seed which is encapsulated in a biodegradable seed capsule at the bottom of the pencil. Bury the stub in a pot with good compost when the pencil has done its duty as a writing utensil, and enjoy watching fragrant herbs, beautiful flowers and fresh vegetables sprouting from the seed capsule.

100 percent sustainability to the creative hostess

Most people appreciate plants, and therefore the Sprout pencil is an obvious choice for most hostesses. At the same time, the pencil is an ideal gift to the hostess who prioritizes sustainability and the environment. The Sprout pencil is made of non-toxic and biodegradable materials, and as it gets is own new life, it is 100 percent sustainable.

If the hostess is the creative type who likes to draw or write, you the pencil has a dual purpose. The Sprout pencil is made of quality material that provides a good writing and drawing experience. In short, Sprout pencils are sustainable, versatile and unique hostess gifts.

Do you want to know more about our unique hostess gifts, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Sustainable business gifts for clients

Sustainable business gifts for clients

Business gifts for your clients can be an effective way of showing them that you appreciate them – and it can turn out to be very good business. In times of increasing consumer responsibility, corporate social responsibility is worthwhile when you choose the right business gifts for your clients and give sustainable business gifts for your clients.


We at Sprout believe in sustainability. That is why we present our humble way of preserving nature – a sustainable pencil made of natural materials that sprout and turn into beautiful flowers, delicious vegetables or fragrant herbs when you plant it in a flower box.

Above all, the Sprout pencil is a pencil, which is why it is made of high-quality graphite which gives it a longer life and a good writing experience. However, when the pencil is too short to write with, your customers can enjoy watching the seed in the embedded, biodegradable seed capsule at the bottom of the pencil turn into new life.


Sprout pencils come in 8 different colors, and with a wide palette of non-GMO quality seeds, it is easy for your customers to transform the pencil into plants after use. If you really want your customers to remember your company while watching the seeds sprout, we can engrave the Sprout pencils with your company logo.

Corporations such as Ikea, Coca-Cola and Toyota have already used Sprout pencils as business gifts for their clients and contributed to spreading sustainability to the world.

If your company wants to spread your green message by using sustainable business gifts for your clients? Contact Sprout and learn more. Or read our catalog and find inspiration for a unique variety of Sprout pencils that are tailored for your particular company.

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Get everyone talking with eco promotional products

Get everyone talking with eco promotional products

For years, items such as pens, cups and bags have been used by companies to promote their products or services. Promotional products are a great way of building awareness of your brand – because everyone loves a freebie. Right?

The problem is that many of these items contain plastic that takes ages to biodegrade – even hundreds of years! All while, after use, they sit in landfills damaging our awesome planet.

We don’t like the sound of that. So, we’ve come up with some innovative everyday items that are transforming the eco promotional products industry. Let’s find out more…

Why use eco-friendly promotional products?

The world seems obsessed with plastic; much of it is single-use. As a consequence, globally, a whopping 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic goes into landfill each year – that’s the same amount of weight of 1 billion elephants!

This trash builds up, damaging the soil and emitting a huge amount of methane, which is a big contributor to climate change.

While promotional products may only count for a small amount of the plastic that ends up in landfills – we believe that small changes can lead to big things!

If you want to show your friends, colleagues and customers that you’re passionate about protecting our amazing planet, switch to eco-friendly promotional products.

Let us be your eco promotional products partner

When sourcing eco-friendly promotional merchandise, you want to know that the company you’re buying from is serious about sustainability. We are!

Way back in 2013, our chairman Michael Stausholm came across a plantable pencil that some MIT students had put up on Kickstarter. Michael loved the idea so much he bought the rights to it,and that was the start of Sprout World.

We like to say that “sustainability is in our DNA.” We love our planet and we want to inspire others to care more for our natural world through the use of innovative, fun everyday items – the plantable Sprout pencil and our Sprout Spoon.

We’ve designed our production techniques to be as sustainable as possible, including having production partners in Poland that serve our European market and in the US for our American market.

Find out more about the story of Sprout by visiting our About Sprout page.

Plantable Sprout pencil

Are you looking for an alternative to promotional plastic pens that may break after a few uses? Then eco-friendly pencils are a perfect solution. But, why not go one step further and use our plantable Sprout pencils that burst into life after use as part of your eco friendly promotional materials?

Once our plantable Sprout pencil is too short to use, place the end with the seed capsule in some soil, place it natural sunlight, water it frequently and watch as it grows into fresh vegetables, luscious flowers, fragrant herbs or even a spruce tree – an eco pencil with plenty of life!

The Plant A Tree pencil is our newest edition, and we’re super excited to be able to offer a pencil that grows back into a tree. As we like to say, “From a tree to a pencil and back to a tree, the circle of life is complete.” The Plant A Tree pencil can be customized with your company logo and message and is ideal for promoting your company’s ‘Plant A Tree’ campaign or other sustainable initiatives.

Made using only sustainably harvested wood (every time a tree is cut down to make our pencils a new tree is planted to replace it) our plantable Sprout pencils contain non-GMO seeds held within a plant-based material seed capsule that biodegrades when placed in soil.

You can choose to give-away graphite pencils, color pencils or our popular Rainbow pencil that has three colors in one – red, yellow and blue. Customize your plantable Sprout pencil by engraving a personalized message to make your pencil really stand out and to also start a conversation about sustainability and the importance of caring for the plants, flowers and animals that populate our plant!

As an alternative to engraving, color printing is available to businesses in the EU. Using UV printing and safety standard inks, we can print in just about any color. This also means more intricate designs can be created. Plus as the inks we use are durable and waterproof you don’t have to worry about your design smudging.

Visit our case study page to see how other companies have successfully used our plantable Sprout pencil and be inspired to switch to eco friendly promo products.

How our Sprout eco promotional products can be used

Our eco-friendly promotional gifts make perfect giveaways at lots of different events. Here are some examples in case you need inspiration:

Drive more engagement at your conference by gifting a plantable Sprout pencil to all the delegates when they arrive. They’re a perfect way to show your support for sustainability and they’re also a fun way to break the ice and get people talking!

Product launches
Launching a new product is extremely exciting and giving away fun and inspiring eco promotional items at the event will make it extra special. Choose to customize the plantable Sprout pencil by engraving or color printing your logo – color printing is currently only available in Europe.

Trade fairs
Announce your presence at trade fairs with innovative eco promotional products. Opt for our plantable Sprout pencil that’s customized with your logo or personalized message. Or, choose to give away Sprout eco pencils with customized packaging to get your message across.

Team building events
If you’re bringing people from different parts of the business together for a day or two, give away our plantable Sprout pencils as a souvenir of your team building event.

Get a quote for our plantable Sprout pencil or if you simply want to chat about eco-friendly promotional ideas – we’d love to hear them!

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Stand out with plantable Sprout pencils with logo

Stand out with plantable Sprout pencils with logo

Whether you’re a micro-business, an ambitious startup or a global organization, pencils with logo make perfect gifts, giveaways or promotional products. Whereas plastic pens may only last a few uses and then lay in landfills for years, pencils naturally last longer – giving you more brand exposure for your money.

Plantable Sprout pencils are unique

What makes our pencils with logo different to other branded pencils? Well apart from being able to plant the pencil so it grows into fresh vegetables, luscious flowers and flavorsome herbs once it’s too short to use, our Sprout pencils are crafted with sustainability in mind.

The plantable Sprout pencil is made using sustainably harvested wood that is either FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified or PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) wood. The writing material is a mixture of non-toxic graphite and clay and GMO-free seeds are contained in a plant-based material seed capsule that biodegrades when placed in soil.

You can choose to place your logo on the original graphite plantable Sprout pencil. Or if you’re looking for something more cheerful consider placing your logo on our popular color plantable Sprout pencils or our Rainbow pencil that comes with three colors in one; red, yellow and blue.

The plantable Sprout pencil is patented worldwide, and this acts as a guarantee that your pencils with company logo meets the highest quality standards and is sustainably sourced and produced.

People are amazed by the idea that a pencil can transform into a plant, and it’s so easy; when only the stub of the pencil remains, put the green seed capsule in soil, place it in sunlight and water regularly. Within weeks shoots of a plant will appear!

Choose how your pencil logo will look

Promotional products reflect your brand and your business, so your pencil logo needs to be an exact match of your company logo. And, we’re proud to say that we offer two solutions to placing your logo on the plantable Sprout pencil: engraving or color print.

Our customized engraving expertly places your logo onto the pencil, so it sits alongside the name of the seed. Or, if you want your logo in your brand colors choose the color print option. Using the latest UV printing techniques and ink that is EN71-3, your pencils with logo in color print are long-lasting and safe for everyone to use including kids.

At the moment the color print option is only available in Europe, but we’re working really hard to bring it to the US market soon.

How to order plantable Sprout pencils with logo

We feel incredibly proud when organizations choose to place their logo on our plantable Sprout pencils. We’d love to see your logo on our pencils to, and the order process is really simple:

1. Choose what type of pencil you want: Graphite or color? Sharpened or unsharpened? Choose what type of seed you want. Our catalog explains all the different options to help you decide.
2. Decide if you want to personalize the pencils by engraving your logo or having it displayed in color print. If you prefer to create your own design ask your graphic designer to use the template we’ve created. This guarantees that your logo will sit perfectly on the pencil.
3. Consider if you want to place your pencils on packaging. You have the option of placing your pencils with logo on a single card or in boxes of 3 or 5 pencils. If you want to create your own package design, we’ve put together a helpful template for your graphic designer to work from.
4. Finally, the best part; get in touch with our sales team for an order form. Once we’ve received your order, we can give you an exact delivery date.

Please note there is a minimum order of 500 pencils for customized orders.

Got big ideas? Order your pencils with logo in bulk

Being memorable in a crowded industry is vital for an organization’s success, and we believe that a pencil that grows into a plant is truly unforgettable.

Whether you’re intending to giveaway pencils with logo at internal meetings or team building events. Or, if you’re looking for something eco-friendly and fun to hand out to visitors to your stand at exhibitions or trade fairs, the plantable Sprout pencil is ideal for starting a conversation about sustainability and showing how important caring for the planet is to your business.

To ensure you have enough pencils to cover your entire advertising needs and events calendar, speak to us about ordering pencils with logo in bulk. And, when you order over 25,000 pencils you have the option to choose a custom seed.

Be noticed for the right reasons with pencils with logos

We love our eco-friendly plantable Sprout pencils with logo, and we know you, your friends, colleagues and customers will too! Download our catalog to see all the options for your pencils with company logo and once you’re ready, ask for an order form. If you’ve got further questions, get in touch. We’re here to help!

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Personalized pencils are perfect for every occasion

Personalized pencils are perfect for every occasion

Looking to refresh your company giveaways or promotional products? Or do you need a gift for a special occasion or for someone special? Then personalized pencils are a great option. Particularly a personalized pencil that grows into a plant. Yes, you read that correctly! Once the plantable Sprout pencil is too short to use, it can be planted to grow into colorful flowers, tasty herbs or fresh vegetables. Amazing, we know!

It’s time to ditch individual personalized pens

What do you use to make notes a work or write your grocery list? A plastic pen? While they’ve become a handy everyday writing object, plastic pens aren’t always recyclable. That means they get chucked in the trash and end up in landfills where they can take up to 1000 years to biodegrade. And, when you think billions of pens are binned each year, that’s a lot of plastic rotting in the earth!

Our founder Michael Stausholm couldn’t believe that a small piece of plastic could 1000 years to decompose. So, when he discovered a plantable pencil on Kickstarter he knew it had great potential to change people’s attitude towards everyday plastic objects.

The plantable Sprout pencil is enjoyed by organizations, individuals and kids worldwide, and it’s become known as the personalized pencil that keeps on giving.

Be different with personalized pencils

Plastic pens are a go-to promotional product, mainly because they’re economical. But, we think normal is boring and your organization isn’t going to be noticed if it’s doing the same as everyone else. Be different and get noticed with personalized pencils that can feature your company logo or message.

The plantable Sprout pencil also makes a unique gift for people of all ages. Made from sustainably harvested wood, with a mix of non-toxic graphite and clay writing material and a plant-based material seed capsule that contains non-GMO seeds, our pencils are safe for everyone to use, even small children. Each personalized name pencil has the name of the seed engraved onto it.

How to personalize pencils

We’re thrilled to offer various personalized pencils options. Our original, color and Rainbow plantable Sprout pencils are engraved with the Sprout logo and the name of the seed, like Thyme, Basil or Daisy.

We’ve also designed a range of special edition pencils. Like our Mindful Thoughts Edition that have mindful quotes like ‘Your heart is full of fertile seeds, waiting to sprout’ engraved on each of them. Or, the Spread The Love Edition pencils that feature heartwarming quotes like ‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder’ engraved into them.

For organizations that wish to personalize pencils, we’re able to customize them with your logo or message. This can be added through engraving our with our new process of color print. Using the latest UV technology, waterproof and durable ink that’s also EN71-3, meaning it’s safe for kids to handle, you can now have your logo printed in your brand colors.

Ordering personalized pencils is really easy:

- Choose the type of pencil you want.
- Decide if you want to add your logo or message as an engraving or with color print.
- Next, decide if you want to display your personalized pencils with packaging like on a single card or in display boxes.
- When you’re ready, contact us for an order form.

Further information on how to order personalized pencils can be found on the Customize Pencils page.

Where to buy personalized pencils

If you’re an organization and you’ve decided that you want to switch to eco-friendly personalized pencils instead of using plastic pens, first make sure you’ve read over the instructions on how to customize the plantable Sprout pencil. Next, get in touch with our sales team for an order form. Once this is received we can give an exact delivery date.

For individuals who are interested in buying our original, color or Rainbow plantable Sprout pencils that are personalized with Sprout’s name and the name of the seed, you can purchase these through Amazon or our webshop. Don’t forget we also have special edition plantable Sprout pencils, such as our Mindful Thoughts Edition and the Spread The Love Edition that are engraved with personalized messages.

Never run short. Order personalized pencils in bulk

Once organizations see how popular our eco-friendly personalized pencils are, they realize that they need to order more of them. That’s why many of our customers choose to order personalized pencils in bulk. This way they know they have a large stock of pencils for whenever they need them, like exhibiting at trade fairs, attending conferences or seminars or to giveaway at team-building events or product launches.

And, if you place an order of 25,000 pencils you have the option of choosing your seed type – so you can surprise people even more with a plant that reflects your company’s green outlook.

If you’re interested in placing a bulk order of plantable Sprout pencils, speak to us about the benefits and the process of wholesale personalized pencils.

People love our personalized pencils

Organizations choose to personalize the plantable Sprout pencil and give them away to their colleagues and customers because it instills a green mindset in a fun way. Individuals buy our personalized pencils as gifts for themselves or someone special because they love the idea of a plantable pencil.

This is what some of our customers have to say:

“Love the product and I’ve started to use pencil only – lose the pens!”
– Amazon customer

“The Sprout pencil is an original, eco-friendly and very popular gift idea. The demand is high, we are impressed by the sales and are urged to reorder much faster than we expected.”
– Jesper Lawcock, Nature Planet

“I think these are absolutely fantastic and have recommended them to everyone.”
– Amazon review

Spread a positive message with eco-friendly personalized pencils

We hope you see that personalized pencils that also inspire a green mindset are a great alternative to individual personalized pens. Whether you’re looking to order bulk personalized pencils to use as a promotional product. Or, are interested in giving pencils personalized with mindful quotes as a present to someone special in your life, we’re here to answer any of your questions.

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Create a presence with promotional pencils

Create a presence with promotional pencils

Conferences, exhibitions and trade fairs are bustling places with lots (even hundreds) of exhibitors trying to capture the attention of visitors. When someone does visit your stand, you want them to remember you days, weeks or even months after their visit. Promotion pencils that are also eco-friendly make the perfect giveaway.

The value of promotion pencils

Promotional items have been used for centuries as a means of advertising businesses, and they continue to be used because they’re an easy way for businesses to get their brand seen.

In recent years there’s been a shift from giving away plastic promotional items to sustainable promotional items. Our plantable Sprout pencils are the ideal promotion pencils for businesses that have sustainability at their heart.

Made using sustainably harvested wood and containing a mixture of non-toxic graphite and clay writing material, the plantable Sprout pencil has a seed capsule containing GMO-free seeds that can grow into luscious flowers, tasty herbs or fresh vegetables when planted.

The idea is that the promotion pencil is used and when there’s only the stub of the pencil left the plant-based material seed capsule is planted, and what remains of the pencil acts as a name-tag for the plant.

Need inspiration on how to use your promotional pencils? See what others are doing

Plantable Sprout pencils are versatile promotional pencils and are suitable to use at internal company events, conferences, exhibitions, trade fairs and product launches. They can even be sold as promotional products in gift shops. If you’re looking for inspiration, here are some examples of creative promotional ideas for events using the plantable Sprout pencil:

Porsche, the famous sports car manufacturer decided to use customized Sprout pencils as a giveaway to employees to promote their team that deals with regulations and the environment.

“People liked the idea and the pencils very much. We got them recommended from a supplier.” – Julia Bas, Porsche

VisitDenmark chose to include engraved plantable Sprout pencils on card as part of their press kit for a conference at the launch of the Danish pavilion in Rio 2016.

“Sprout was selected to represent Denmark on the pavilion because their pencils and cards are a perfect fit for our themes; innovate together, recycle together and eat together.” – International Project Manager, VisitDenmark

Friends of the High Line is a public park that is built on a historic elevated freight line in New York. They choose the plantable Sprout pencil on single card as its sellable promotional pencil in its store.

“Sprout was perfect because it’s something new and best of all, fits with the horticulture program of the High Line.” – Director of Retail Operations, Friends of the High Line

Ready, steady, go… get your promotion pencils now

The feedback we get from individuals and businesses who use the plantable Sprout pencil as a promotional pencil shows that people love the idea of a promotion pencil that grows into a plant. To switch to using promotion pencils instead of plastic promotion pens, get in touch to find out about how to customize your pencils or how to order them.

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Make a mark with green promotional materials

Make a mark with green promotional materials

If you want people to notice your brand and buy from you, then do it with green promotional materials. In the last years, there’s been a shift to a sustainable mindset. Your friends, customers and colleagues will love that you’re thinking of the protection of the planet while promoting your business.

History of promotional materials

If you’re thinking of using promotional materials to increase the awareness and sales of your products, you’re among great company. It’s said that promotional materials can trace their origin back to 1789 where US presidential candidate George Washington handed out pins to endorse his campaign. These obviously worked as he was elected as President.

From then on, promotional materials have grown in popularity. Businesses of all sizes and in all industries include promotional materials as part of their marketing strategy to engage with new customers and cement their relationship with existing buyers.

Promotional materials ideas

There are a million and one ways to use promotional materials. If you find this huge choice confusing, here are some of our favorite promotional materials ideas that our customers have used:

Promotional materials for events
Toyota Denmark A/S approached us as they were looking for green promotional materials for their conferences. They choose the plantable Sprout pencil on a single card to hand out to participants at their sustainability conference.

“The Sprout pencil is perfectly in line with our values; it supports recycling, renewal and it has a positive impact on the planet.” – Frank C. Okosor, President, Toyota Denmark A/S

Promotional materials as sellable items
Promotional materials can also be sold in shops. The unique public park in New York – Friends of the High Line chose to sell plantable Sprout pencils on single cards in their shop to raise money for the conservation of the park.

“I am looking for innovative products that has a different take on everyday needs. Pencils are a staple product for us, and I wanted to find one that was beyond the basic.” – Director of Retail Operations, Friends of the High Line, NY

Promotional materials for product launches
We were delighted when Coca-Cola, Italy choose to use our engraved plantable Sprout pencils on single cards for the launch of its new drink Coca-Cola Life in Italy.

“We chose the Sprout pencil because it was totally aligned with the philosophy of Coca-Cola Life: Naturalness.” – National Account Manager, Coca-Cola, Italy

Promotional gift ideas that are innovative and eco-friendly

Be different and give away or sell company promotional gifts that keep on giving. The plantable Sprout pencil is the original, patented pencil that can grow into a plant. And, you have the choice of your promotional pencils growing into luscious flowers, tasty herbs, fresh vegetables and even spruce trees.

The plantable Sprout pencil is available in graphite, color or as a Rainbow pencil that has three colors in one; red, yellow and blue. All plantable Sprout pencils are made from sustainably harvested wood. This means for every tree that is cut down to make our pencils, another tree is planted to replace it. The writing material used in Sprout pencils is a mixture of non-toxic graphite and clay. Lead is never used in our pencils! The distinctive green seed capsule that’s found at the end of our plantable pencils is made from cellulose, which is a compound that is found in plants. And the seeds we use are non-GMO.

The plantable Sprout pencil can also be customized with your company logo and message. This can be added through engraving or for EU customers, color print is also available. By using high-quality, precision UV printing, we can replicate just about any color.

Choose to display your pencils on cards that can also be personalized with your message or logo. Or present them in boxes of three or five pencils for a promotional gift that will bring a smile to everyone’s face.

Why Sprout’s promotional materials are special

Sustainability is built into our DNA at Sprout World. We ensure our production methods are as sustainable as possible. Even going as far as working with production partners in Poland to serve our European market and a partner in the US for our American market.

The plantable Sprout pencil is the original, patented pencil that grows into a plant. Once the pencil is too short to use, it can be planted to grow into fresh plants. It’s so simple – watch the video to see for yourself.

Spread your message with green promotional marketing materials

Sprout’s mission is to make innovative, sustainable products that inspire a green mindset. By choosing to use a plantable Sprout pencil instead of a plastic pen not only are you advertising your business but you’re showing that you care about protecting this amazing planet we call home.

For further information or to request a price for the plantable Sprout pencil, send us a message. Our friendly team is here to help.

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Show off your brand with sustainable promotional gifts

Show off your brand with sustainable promotional gifts

Are you a new business and you want to use promotional gifts to announce your launch? Or you might be an established business that’s launching a new product and are looking for promotional gift ideas to send to bloggers and the press? Whatever your business size or type, promotional gifts will help your business stick in people’s minds.

And why not go one step further and make your business promotional gifts eco-friendly and start a conversation with your partners and customers about the important issue of sustainability.

101 Reasons to use promotional gifts

In a digital world, grasping and maintaining people’s attention is hard as there are so many other things to distract them. Promotional gifts that people can physically hold, and use are fantastic at creating brand awareness and loyalty.

Depending on what it is, it’s said that promotional gifts are used for a year or longer. This means that when the person is ready to use a service or product that you offer, there’s a greater chance they’ll choose you.

New customers are great, but you shouldn’t forget about your existing customers. They are valuable people. They’ve already bought from you, so they have trust in your business. Giving company promotional gifts to your current customers is an easy way of cementing your relationship.

Plastic isn’t fantastic

Plastic has been the go-to material for business promotional gifts for decades; it’s cheap to produce, items can be produced quickly, and plastic is extremely durable. Sounds good, right? Well, no!

While there has been a shift to recycled plastic, not all business promotional gifts are recyclable. Take the simple plastic promotional pen. The majority of plastic pens aren’t made from materials that easily biodegrade. This means they sit in landfills, slowly rotting away.

Make the shift today to eco-friendly business promotional gifts – as well as being an investment for your business, eco-friendly promotional gifts are an investment in the health of the planet.

Promotional gift ideas that are innovative and eco-friendly

Be different and give away or sell company promotional gifts that keep on giving. The plantable Sprout pencil is the original, patented pencil that can grow into a plant. And, you have the choice of your promotional pencils growing into luscious flowers, tasty herbs, fresh vegetables and even spruce trees.

The plantable Sprout pencil is available in graphite, color or as a Rainbow pencil that has three colors in one; red, yellow and blue. All plantable Sprout pencils are made from sustainably harvested wood. This means for every tree that is cut down to make our pencils, another tree is planted to replace it. The writing material used in Sprout pencils is a mixture of non-toxic graphite and clay. Lead is never used in our pencils! The distinctive green seed capsule that’s found at the end of our plantable pencils is made from cellulose, which is a compound that is found in plants. And the seeds we use are non-GMO.

The plantable Sprout pencil can also be customized with your company logo and message. This can be added through engraving or for EU customers, color print is also available. By using high-quality, precision UV printing, we can replicate just about any color.

Choose to display your pencils on cards that can also be personalized with your message or logo. Or present them in boxes of three or five pencils for a promotional gift that will bring a smile to everyone’s face.

How to use corporate promotional gifts

Everyone loves receiving a gift; even more so when the promotional gifts have a message of sustainability. If you’re looking for inspiration on how to use corporate promotional gifts, here are some ideas:

Sell them in store
Promotional gifts aren’t just something that you give away; they can also be a sellable item. If you run a visitor attraction, offer promotional gifts that are customized with your logo or message for sale in your shop.

Gifts for the press
Getting press coverage can be amazing for your business, but it isn’t easy. Journalists are inundated with requests for coverage. Creating a press kit that contains innovative promotional gift ideas will make your business stand out.

Welcome gifts
Make your corporate promotional gifts available at your reception for visitors to pick up on entry or exit. Or hand them out to visitors at the registration desk for a company event or trade show.

Go green and be seen

When our founder Michael Studholme came across the idea of a pencil that can turn into a plant on the Kickstarter website back in 2013, he knew instantly that it had massive potential to be used for promotional gifts. The plantable Sprout pencil makes ideal company promotional gifts for any business.

Get in touch to discuss making the swap to sustainable company promotional gifts. Or send us a message about ordering sustainable promotional gifts in bulk.

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Show your green side with sustainable marketing

Show your green side with sustainable marketing

Sustainable marketing is more than merely saying, “Our organization is eco-friendly.” You’ve got to be able to back up this claim. Your customers and partners will want to know what parts of your business are sustainable. They’ll be interested in hearing how you plan to maintain and improve this in the future.

Communicating this message correctly is important. By taking the simple step of swapping plastic promotional pens for plantable Sprout pencils, you’re sending a visible message that having a green mindset is important.

What is sustainable marketing?

Sustainable marketing may seem like a new marketing buzzword, but it’s a practice that has been around for decades. There’s often confusion over what is sustainable marketing. Here’s a good definition: “Sustainable marketing is the process of creating, communicating and delivering value to customers in such a way that both natural and human capital are preserved or enhanced.”

One of the driving forces of sustainable marketing is innovation. Organizations that thrive to innovate in the long run reap extra benefits, like, cutting edge ideas and processes, cost-savings, improved efficiency and increased customer loyalty. They also experience a ‘feel-good’ factor by knowing that the processes and practices they’ve adopted are saving the planet’s resources.

Your customers will be eager to know about what sustainable practices the organization is using and sustainable marketing is the perfect channel to communicate this.

Natural based products will be your new favorite

Your sustainable message can quickly be shattered if you fail to use the right promotional products. A plastic promotional pen that can take up to 1000 years to biodegrade doesn’t exactly show support for sustainability, does it?

So, when you’re reviewing your sustainable marketing strategy, seek out products that use natural-based resources and sustainable processes. Luckily for you, we already do that here at Sprout World!

Sprout World was born back in 2013 when our founder Michael Stausholm came across an invention by three MIT students on the Kickstarter website – a pencil that could be planted. Michael instantly saw the potential in this simple but innovative idea and bought the rights to it. That was the start of the plantable Sprout pencil.

Write a message in support of sustainability with the plantable Sprout pencil…

So far, we’ve sold over 20 million pencils in 80 countries – this shows that people love a pencil that carries a sustainable message.

The plantable Sprout pencil is available as graphite or color. Our Rainbow pencil that contains three colors in one – red, yellow and blue is also extremely popular. All plantable Sprout pencils are made from sustainably harvested wood. This means that when a tree is chopped down to make our pencils, another tree is planted to replace it.

The writing material in the plantable Sprout pencil is a mix of non-toxic graphite and clay and this gives a smooth writing texture, ideal for taking notes, drawing and doodling with. The seed capsule at the end of the pencil is made from a plant-based material that decomposes in soil allowing the non-GMO seeds to germinate and grow into luscious flowers, fresh herbs, tasty vegetables and even spruce trees.

As standard, our plantable Sprout pencils come with the name of the seed and ‘Sprout’ engraved on them. You have the option to customize the pencils with your company logo and message – this could be your web address, tag line or a special sustainable message. For businesses and organizations in the EU, color print is available. Using precision UV printing and safety standard ink that doesn’t smudge, your logo and message can be printed in just about any color. Ideal for organizations who want to replicate their brand colors across their sustainable marketing promotional products.

If you operate in international markets, the seed name can be engraved in a language of your choice. Please note there’s a minimum order of 100 pencils per seed type.

Getting serious about sustainability isn’t as hard as it may seem

Since Sprout World was formed back in 2013, we’ve worked with some amazing organizations, large and small that have built sustainability into their business and who want to share this with people through sustainable marketing practices.

Here are examples of how Sprout products have been used as part of sustainable marketing campaigns:


EurElectric, The Union of the Electricity Industry that represents the interests of the industry in Europe chose to giveaway plantable Sprout pencils on single cards at the Eurelectric Power Summit in 2019.

“Sprout pencils are a very good way to promote sustainable living among the guests of our events.” – Marianna Karu, Advisor Events, EurElectric

Arla Foods Ingredients

Arla Foods Ingredients uses customized plantable Sprout pencils to promote its Toddler Programme. The programme focuses on the importance of whey proteins for kids aged 2-5 years old.

Arla Foods Ingredients hand out the pencils at meetings and the feedback they’ve received has been fantastic.

“We sent the pencils out with a letter and a book that explains the program. When the pencils sprout it’s a symbol of a good start in life. This message fits so well with our mission to give kids a good start.” – Mia Vesttergaard Andersen, Arla Foods Ingredients


Netto, a leading Danish supermarket brand used customized plantable Sprout pencils on single cards to promote its organic product range at the Aarhus Food Festival.

“Sprout fits our values and the Food Festival perfectly.” – Kathrine Werling, Netto, Denmark

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Natural corporate gift: a giveaway with added meaning

Natural corporate gift: a giveaway with added meaning

Making your mark in a crowded industry is tough, but it’s been shown that corporate gift items help to build brand visibility and trust. Be unique and step away from plastic and embrace the natural corporate gift. As well as brandishing your brand name, a natural corporate

Why you should be using corporate gift items

The number one benefit of corporate gift items is that they get your organization’s name seen. While you can also do this by building an online presence, not everyone is online. Plus, corporate gift items tend to be around until they’re no longer usable, whereas a social media post disappears within seconds.

Corporate gift items are also incredibly versatile. They can be used at internal company events, at trade fairs, conferences, seminars or given away as part of a competition prize. So, on a cost per usage corporate gift items offer great value for money.

A natural corporate gift is a must

It’s clear the benefits of using away corporate gift items can give. If you’re concerned that handing out gifts that are made from plastic or that giving away gifts that have dubious production methods doesn’t sit well with your CSR, making the switch to a natural corporate gift item makes sense.

When choosing a natural corporate gift that fits with your brand, look at the materials it’s made from – are they recyclable or eco-friendly? Also, consider the methods that are used to produce the item – are they sustainable?

We’re proud to say that we make sure our production methods are as sustainable as possible. We use production partners in Poland to serve our European market and a partner in America to supply our US market.

Give away special corporate gift items with Sprout World

We’re incredibly proud to say that we hold the rights to the original plantable pencil. Others try to offer a similar product, but our patent is a sign that when you purchase plantable Sprout pencils, you’re getting the best quality.

All our plantable Sprout pencils, graphite, color and Rainbow pencil, are made using sustainably harvested wood. What does this mean? Well, it means that the wood used to make our pencils comes from forests that are sustainably managed so that the biodiversity of the forest is protected. In practical terms, this means when a tree is felled to make our pencils, another tree is planted to replace it.

The writing material used in our pencils is a mix of non-toxic graphite and clay. This means it’s safe for everyone to use – from the very young to the more mature!

But the true magic of the plantable Sprout pencil happens at the end of the pencil’s life. When the pencil is too short to use, instead of throwing it away, as you would with other ordinary corporate gift items, you plant it. Yes, you read that correctly!

At the end of the plantable Sprout pencil, there’s a green seed capsule containing GMO-free seeds. The seed capsule is made from plant-based material that degrades in soil and allows the seeds inside to germinate. In a few weeks, the worn-out pencil will grow into luscious flowers, tasty herbs, fresh vegetables or magnificent spruce trees. With our new Plant A Tree pencil, we can now grow a tree from a pencil. As we like to say, “From a tree to a pencil and back to a tree, the circle of life is complete.”

Like any corporate gift item, you’ll want it to be endorsed with your brand. That’s not a problem. You can customize the plantable Sprout pencil with your logo and message. These can be expertly engraved onto the pencil or for organizations in Europe, we also offer a color print option.

If you want to make your natural corporate gift even extra special, consider placing the pencils on single cards or presenting your guests or visitors with three or five pencils displayed in boxes.

As corporate gift items represent your organization and brand, you want them to be perfect. We’ve put together a checklist on our website on how to customize the plantable Sprout pencil and display options.

Make the switch to a natural corporate gift

We’re proud to supply our products to innovative organizations. This is what Healthware (a consulting group that supports sales and marketing in the healthcare sector) has to say about the plantable Sprout pencil, “The Sprout pencil is good at communicating sustainability and it has a strong recycling message.” – Sara Scarpinati, Healthware.

If our Sprout products have struck a chord with you or if you’ve got a question about the plantable Sprout pencil or how to place an order, get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

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Unique promotional items for the green-minded

Promoting a green message

A digital presence is a must, but if you want to be noticed by a wide audience you need branded promotional items. There’s a vast array of promotional items for you to choose from, but not all are good for the environment. See how sustainable promotional items can help support the growth of your business while also growing a green mindset. Our unique promotional products carry a green message.

Benefit from promotional business items

Growing a successful and profitable business partly means being more recognizable than your competitors. Digital marketing is great at building a presence online. However, if you want to be known as a market leader, you need to combine both digital and traditional forms of marketing, particularly promotional business items.

Here are some reasons why you should include promotional items in your marketing plans:

1. Promotional items are amazing at boosting your brand’s visibility as they’re placed around the office and picked up and used by different departments.

2. A recognizable brand name builds a feeling of trust and credibility, which results in people being more open to buying from you.

3. Use marketing promotional items that add value to the user. Pencils make ideal promotional items as they’re longer lasting than plastic promotional pens.

4. Promotional items with logos are incredibly versatile and are a cost-effective way of promoting your business. They can be used for direct mail, as giveaways, to visitors or as prizes for competitions.

Surprise your customers with Sprout products

You could choose to purchase the standard type of promotional items. Or, by opting for unique promotional items, you’ll really stand out from your competitors. Here’s what our customers say about our pencils:

“An innovation, something new and fresh” – La Meridien, Vienna.

“The Sprout pencil combines two untraditional things: a plant and a pencil. This is why you remember it” - Marlene Rimmen from Pressalit, a manufacturer of solutions for kitchens and bathrooms.

Write, plant and grow

Sprout pencils are popular across the globe. Created by three MIT students, Sprout’s founder Michael Stausholm came across a pencil with seeds on the Kickstarter website. Recognizing its huge potential as a sustainable alternative to plastic pens, Michael bought the rights and that was the start of our exciting journey.

The plantable Sprout pencil makes great unique promotional items, as once the user is finished with the pencil it can be planted and grow into luscious flowers, fresh herbs, tasty vegetables and even spruce trees. As we like to say, “Sprout pencils are a gift that keeps on giving.”

What makes Sprout pencils special? For starters all our plantable pencils are made from sustainably harvested wood. This means we only use wood sourced from sustainably managed forests. Secondly, the seeds which are contained in the plant-based seed capsule are non-GMO – this means they’re cultivated through natural pollination and not grown in a laboratory.

Make plantable pencils your own

As well as selling directly to customers, the plantable Sprout pencil is available as custom promotional items – you can choose to engrave or color print your company logo or message onto the pencil. Color engraving isn’t a replacement for engraving; it’s an alternative for organizations who wish to see their logo or message displayed in their brand colors. Please note, color printing is currently only available in Europe, but we’re working flat-out to make it available in the US too.

As well as having the option to customize the pencil, you can also choose to gift the pencils on personalized packaging. Single cards and display boxes that hold three or five pencils can be customized with your company logo and message. These packaging options are a delightful extra way to present your customized plantable Sprout pencils. 😊

Promotional items ideas for people who are serious about sustainability

The benefits of promotional items for business are clear, particularly promotional items that carry a message of sustainability. You may be thinking about how you can get the maximum return from your Sprout promotional items?

We’ve thought hard and have come up with some promotional items ideas that you may wish to use yourself:

Competition prizes

People love knowing they’ve won a competition. So, as part of a social media competition or a competition held at an exhibition, include customized promotional items that have a sustainable message as part of the prize.

Giveaways at exhibitions

Exhibitions are busy places and guests visit many stands. To entice people to your stand and to make it easier for them to remember your business, giveaway promotional items with logo. Your company logo can be engraved on the plantable Sprout pencil and printed onto the Sprout Spoon.

Launch new products

Are you planning on launching an exciting new product and you want promotional items that support your green ethos? Then, choose Sprout products, just like Coca-Cola, Italy did when they were launching Coca-Cola Life in Italy.

As the National Account Manager for Coca Cola, Italy said: “We chose the Sprout pencil because it was totally aligned with the philosophy of Coca-Cola Life: naturalness.”

Launch company initiatives

Raise awareness of company initiatives with your employees by gifting them with a plantable Sprout pencil. Our pencils are perfect for supporting sustainable campaigns. IKEA, Belgium, gave away engraved Sprout pencils on single card to their staff to launch their sustainability report.

Our Plant A Tree is proving to be hugely popular and is the pencil of choice for organizations who are looking to raise awareness of their company’s Plant A Tree initiative.

Never be without sustainable promotional items

Since 2013, Sprout has worked with incredible international companies and organizations to supply sustainable promotional items for events including conferences, exhibitions, trade shows, product launches and team-building events. Our products prove to be so popular that many businesses find they need to order more.

We’re happy to say that we’re able to offer the plantable Sprout pencil as bulk orders. Speak to us to find out more.

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Pens for business or pencils? We simplify your decision

Pens for business or pencils? We simplify your decision

There’s a new favorite on the market that’s taking over from promotional pens for business and that’s customizable pencils. Pencils that are made from sustainably harvested wood using eco-friendly friendly production methods, like the plantable Sprout pencil, are perfect for promoting your values while increasing the reach of your brand’s visibility.

History of promotional gifts

Promotional gifts can trace their origin back to 1789 when George Washington produced buttons as part of his presidential campaign. Following this, gifts of all types have been used by businesses for promotion. It wasn’t until the 1950’s / 60’s when the use of plastic became widespread that promotional pens for business really took off.

Plastic pens that aren’t designed to be refillable are low cost and can be produced quickly, meaning they’re a popular choice as a promotional gift for businesses. The downside is that this small item uses a lot of plastic and metal, making it difficult for it to be recycled.

Plastic isn’t fantastic, but wood is wonderful

With the health of the planet hitting a crisis point, people are more aware that short-use plastic items don’t make great gifts anymore. If you’re an organization that’s looking for an interesting alternative to plastic pens for companies the plantable Sprout pencil is a great choice.

Sustainability runs through our veins at Sprout World and it feeds into every decision we make. Our plantable Sprout pencils are made using sustainably harvested wood. This means that when a tree is cut down to make our pencils another one is planted to replace it. The core of the pencil contains a writing material made from a mix of non-toxic graphite and clay.

The most exciting part is found at the end of the pencil – the green seed capsule. Made from cellulose, a plant-based material, the seed capsule contains non-GMO seeds that flourish into life when the capsule is planted.

So, unlike ordinary pencils that have to be thrown out when they’re no longer usable, when only a stub of the plantable Sprout pencil is left it can be planted to grow into flowers, herbs or vegetables. And, as the name of the seed is engraved on the pencil, it acts as a label reminding the receiver of the pencil what type of plant it is.

Get known with customizable pencils

Pens for companies are a go-to promotional gift as they’re easy to customize. We’re pleased to tell you that plantable Sprout pencils can also be customized, and there’s plenty of options for you to choose from.

Our pencils come with ‘Sprout’ and the name of the seed already engraved on them. You have the choice of adding your logo, web address or a special message onto the pencil as well. This can be done as engraving, or for customers in Europe you can also choose our new color print option.

It’s been a long-time in the planning but it’s here and organizations love seeing their logo and message printed in color. We use UV printing to deliver a quality finish and EN71-3 approved ink that’s safe for the very young to the old to handle. And our color printing is waterproof and durable meaning it stays put even with long-term use.

We can also engrave or print your message in the language of your choice. This makes our pencils ideal promotional gifts for organizations that have an international presence.

When picking which plantable Sprout pencil you want to use as a gift, you can choose from 10 GMO-free seeds. This includes sunflower, basil, thyme, forget me not and the delicious cherry tomato. For large orders of over 25,000 pencils, you’re able to select a custom seed.

The customization doesn’t stop with the pencil. Choose to present your plantable Sprout pencils on single cards that are customized with your message. Or gift three or five pencils in display boxes.

What people say about the plantable Sprout pencil

Plantable Sprout pencils are a favorite with many businesses. Here is a small selection of comments we’ve received from organizations who use our pencils:

“The reactions were very positive. And we know that the pencils work, because we have planted some of them in our office.” – Ikea, Belgium

“When the pencils sprout it’s a symbol of a good start in life. This message fits well with our mission to give kids a good start.” – Arla Food Ingredients

“The reaction from our clientele has been overwhelmingly positive. Everyone loves it and most people buy multiples for themselves and as gifts.” – Friend of the High Line

Bring a smile with plantable Sprout pencils

Promotional pens for business are widely used because they’re low cost, but they’ve been proven to be damaging to the environment. By making the simple change to pencils, you’re giving your customers and partners a quality gift that spreads a sustainable message.

Find out more about the plantable Sprout pencil or to get a price list, use the link below to send us a message.

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Show your supportive side with social responsible marketing

Show your supportive side with social responsible marketing

People are more aware of the mark they leave on the planet. And, when deciding who to buy from they’re looking for organizations that are dedicated to making a positive impact with their products and services. The role of social responsible marketing is to communicate how your sustainable and eco-friendly procedures and practices support the long-term safeguarding of communities and the environment.

Switch to socially responsible gifts

Making the switch from plastic or non-biodegradable company gifts or promotional products to natural gifts is an easy but effective way of showing that you care for the planet and everything that lives on it.

Wow your guests, customers or employees with a pencil that can grow into a plant. We’re sure they’ll love them as much as we do!

The original pencil that grows into a plant…

The plantable Sprout pencil is made from sustainably harvested wood – so each time a tree is cut down to make our pencils another is planted to replace it. The writing material is a mixture of non-toxic graphite and clay and the innovative green seed capsule that’s found at the end of the pencils is made from a plant-based material that degrades in soil.

When the pencil is too short to use, it can be planted to grow into luscious flowers, tasty herbs, fresh vegetables and even spruce trees. You have the choice of 11 seeds including daisy, sunflower, basil and scrumptious cherry tomato.

We even give you the choice of having your pencils delivered pre-sharpened – at an additional cost. Because, who wants to spend their time sharpening pencils!

The plantable Sprout pencil comes with Sprout and the name of the seed engraved on it. You have the option of customizing the pencil with your logo and message. This can be done through engraving, or for customers in Europe, you can also choose the color print option. Using precision UV printing and high-quality safety standard ink, we can print your logo or company message in just about any color.

Strengthen your socially responsible marketing message by delivering the plantable Sprout pencil on a single card with a personalized message. Or gift three or pencils that are presented in display boxes. The display boxes can be customized with your logo and message.

Inspiration if you’re stuck for ideas

Switching up your marketing practices may seem like a daunting task. To show that it’s easier than you think it is, take inspiration from companies who are already doing it. Here is a selection of socially responsible marketing ideas that we’ve collated from Sprout World customers:

MediaKey Magazine

The biggest marketing media in Italy, MediaKey Magazine chose to gift plantable Sprout pencils on single cards to guests at their Press, Outdoor and Promotion Key Award Ceremony in 2019.

“The green agenda is extremely important right now…The Sprout pencils can be a very effective way to link your brand to sustainability without being theoretic.” – Roberto Albano, Editorial Director, MediaKey Magazine

Ikea, Belgium

Ikea has long been a supporter of sustainability, and to celebrate the launch of its sustainability report, Ikea Belgium gifted engraved plantable Sprout pencils on single cards to its employees.

“We have purchased pencils with herbs for supporting the launch of our sustainability report…The reactions were very positive. And we know that the pencils work, because we have planted some of them in our office.” – Iris de Herdt, Sustainability Department, Ikea, Belgium


Woodscape crafts high-quality hardwood street furniture that uses recycled cards and boxes. They decided to gift customized plantable Sprout pencils to guests and visitors to their exhibition stand.

“The Sprout pencil is a much nicer giveaway than a plastic pen.” – John Pagan, Group Marketing Manager, Woodscape

Le Meridien, Vienna

Sustainability is built into the ethos of Le Meridien. They offer green meetings and they also run a certificate program where guests can be awarded points by making green choices, like choosing to have their room cleaned every other day instead of daily.

Le Meridien gifts their guests and visitors with customized plantable Sprout pencils on single cards.

“Sprout is a good match for Le Meridien because we also work with sustainability…Sprout pencils are an innovation – something new and fresh.” – Mara Geusau, Sales Executive, Le Meridien, Vienna

Customers are savvy so speak their language

Customers buying decisions are no longer just influenced by price. Today buyers want to be reassured that the company they’re buying from implements environmental and ethical practices and procedures. Use the plantable Sprout pencil to send a socially responsible marketing message to your customers and partners that you care about the footprint your organization leaves on the environment and the society it serves.

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Promotional pens vs. pencils – Which is the best?

Promotional pens vs. pencils – Which is the best?

People’s minds are flooded with thousands of pieces of information each day. This means your business has to work extra hard for people to remember your name. Customised promotional pens have long been used to build brand visibility. But, as these tend to be made from non-recyclable plastic that’s damaging to the environment, we felt a better alternative must be out there. And we’ve got it – the plantable Sprout pencil!

Do promotional pens have value?

Giving away promotional items to existing customers, to guests at conferences or to visitors to your business is an easy way to create brand awareness. Items that are functional, like custom promotional pens can be used around the office or by employees who go out-and-about visiting customers.

The downside of promotional pens is that when they’re no longer usable they end up in landfills. This is because most promotional pens contain elements that aren’t recyclable. So, ‘Yes’ by using promotional pens your business will benefit from increased brand exposure but this comes at a big cost to the health of the planet.

Pencils are the perfect substitute for promotional pens

If you hate the idea of promotional pens rotting away in landfills as much as we do, then you’ll love our plantable Sprout pencil.

The plantable Sprout pencil is utterly unique as once it’s too short to use it can be planted to grow into luscious flowers, tasty herbs or fresh vegetables, bringing joy to people in the office or at home. We like to say that the plantable Sprout pencil is a promotional gift that keeps on giving.

Made from sustainably harvested wood which means every time a tree is cut down to make our pencils another is planted to replace it, the plantable Sprout pencil also contains writing material that’s made from non-toxic graphite and clay. This provides our pencils with a fluid writing motion. And, unlike pens, you can quickly sharpen the pencil before going into a meeting so you can jot down all the important points. Unlike with pens that can run dry at any moment.

Put your name on a promotional gift that’s worthy of it

When choosing a promotional gift, you want to have the option to personalize it. Just like promotional pens with custom logo design we’re really excited to say that the plantable Sprout pencil can be customized with your logo and message.

As standard, plantable Sprout pencils come with ‘Sprout’ and the name of the seed engraved on it, and you can choose to have your logo and message also engraved. Or, for customers in Europe, you also have the option of having these details added with color print that uses non-toxic dyes.

Bring extra visibility to your message by presenting your customized plantable Sprout pencils on single cards. Or choose to gift three or five plantable Sprout pencils in display boxes.

We know it’s important that the design of your promotional gift reflects your brand, so to ensure the design of your plantable Sprout pencils is perfect we’ve created some helpful templates for your graphic designer to work with.

We’re not alone in saying pencils are great

Of course, we’re going to say our customizable plantable Sprout pencil is better than promotional pens with logo. What about others? Do they agree? Well, yes, they do!

Companies across the globe in different industries choose to use the plantable Sprout pencil instead of promotional pens as giveaways and gifts. Here are some names you may recognize:



Guess Europe used plantable Sprout pencils on single cards as a gift for people who made a purchase from their ECO Denim campaign – a program to encourage people to recycle their old and worn out pieces of clothing.

“The Sprout pencil is natural, sustainable and has a strong recycling message.” – Guess, Europe



Toyota wanted to present their employees and visitors with a gift that matched their company values. They decided on the plantable Sprout pencil on a single card as it has a positive impact on the planet. Plus, they’re a fun gift to receive.

The plantable Sprout pencil was a big favorite with everyone – “They look like normal pencils, but they can do so much more. I personally use them in my plant pots at home.” – Frank C. Okoisor, Toyota Denmark


Le Meridien

If you visit Le Meridien in Vienna, you may be gifted with a plantable Sprout pencil on a single card as a ‘Thank You’ for staying at the hotel.

“It’s an innovation – something new and fresh, just like our hotel is: young spirit, fully renovated, modern and up to date.” – Mara Geusau, Le Meridien Vienna

Sustainably the best

Promotional pens are low cost, but this can also mean they’re low quality. Plus, they’re damaging to the environment. Support your company’s CSR and make the swap to promotional pencils with the plantable Sprout pencil.

Customizing the pencil and packaging is easy and the ordering process is seamless. But, if you do have any questions, we’re here to answer them.

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Never miss an opportunity with promotional merchandise

Never miss an opportunity with promotional merchandise

Promotional merchandise with a purpose is incredibly popular. People will always need something to write with. So, use this opportunity to advertise your business with customizable promotional merchandise that features your company logo or a special message.

For a long time, the go-to material for promotional merchandise has been plastic. We think it’s time to swap plastic for materials that are more sustainable and kinder to the environment.

Does it make sense to use promotional merchandise?

The short answer is ‘Yes’, your business should be using promotional merchandise to advertise itself.

Firstly, not all your customers or partners are online, so if you only focus on building a digital presence, you’re missing out. Secondly, people love a ‘freebie’, particularly something that has value to it. So, by giving away a promotional pencil, for instance, you’ll know it’ll be used frequently and that every time it is used, your brand name will be seen.

Finally, promotional merchandise is versatile and can be left in the reception area as a welcome gift for visitors. Or it can also be used as giveaways at conferences and tradeshows or included in press kits that are handed to PRs and journalists at product launches. We can’t think of anything else that can be used in so many different ways!

Promotional merchandise that grows a green mindset

Sustainability is at our heart and so is innovation. That’s why our products are designed to be functional as well as sustainable.

Write, doodle or draw and plant…

The plantable Sprout pencil is massively popular and businesses and organizations frequently choose it to be part of their promotional merchandise.

All the plantable Sprout pencils are made from sustainably harvested wood. That means that every time a tree is cut down, another is planted to replace it. And, you may not know this but by the end of 2020, we’re hoping to make 7,500, 000 pencils from just 30 trees!

Our innovation doesn’t stop with using sustainably harvested wood. The writing material used in the plantable Sprout pencil is a mixture of non-toxic graphite and clay, meaning our pencils are safe to be used by all ages. At the end of the pencil is a green seed capsule that is made from a plant-based material that degrades when placed in soil. The GMO-free seeds used in the capsule take around three to four weeks to sprout.

When planted after use, plantable Sprout pencils can flourish into luscious flowers, fresh herbs, tasty vegetables and even spruce trees. Our innovative Plant A Tree pencil that contains spruce seeds is a special conversation starter. People will be amazed that a tree that can live up to 100 years can be grown from a pencil. We’re amazed ourselves! Gifting our Plant A Tree pencils to your employees is also a fantastic way to launch a company-wide sustainable initiative, such as a Plant A Tree campaign.

We’re thrilled to say that you can customize our plantable Sprout pencils with your company logo or with a special message. We offer this service either as an engraving or for business in Europe you can choose to have your logo printed in color. Using UV printing and safety ink, your logo or company message can be printed in just about any color.

Additionally, you can decide to feature your pencils on single cards that can also be customized or in display boxes of three or five pencils.

Join the special class of companies using Sprout products

Since we launched in 2013, Sprout products have captivated businesses. And we don’t blame them! Who would have thought that an everyday item like a pencil could grow into a plant?

Well, it is possible, and businesses soon saw that these products can be used as promotional merchandise to improve their brand visibility and to also increase awareness of the importance of sustainability.

We’d love you to join the special class of companies who use Sprout products. See who you’ll be joining:


The fashion-brand Guess chose to give away plantable Sprout pencils on single cards in display boxes as a thank you gift for people who made a purchase from their ECO Denim range.


Toyota is passionate about reducing the impact it’s manufacturing processes and vehicles have on the planet. They love the idea of a pencil that grows into a plant, so they chose to hand out plantable Sprout pencils on single cards to employees and participants to a sustainability conference.

Liberty Produce

Our popular plantable Sprout Rainbow pencils on single cards were made available to attendees of a Liberty Produce launch event that took place in Scotland.

Zeina Chapman, co-founder of Liberty Produce commented “The pencils became a talking point amongst the delegates.”

Be prepared for when opportunities come along with bulk order promotional merchandise

We understand that there are always a million and one things to do with running a business and it’s easy to forget to order your promotional merchandise. But you don’t want to be the only business that hasn’t got anything to hand out to visitors to your stand or to use as a giveaway to visitors to your business, do you?

By ordering the plantable Sprout pencil in bulk, you know you have a plentiful supply of promotional merchandise to cover all your event needs.

People will be thrilled you’re putting the planet first

Plastic is widely used in promotional merchandise as it’s versatile and durable. But people are sickened by seeing plastic rot in landfills. By swapping plastic promotional pens for plantable Sprout pencils, your business partners, stakeholders and customers can visibly see that sustainability is just as important to you as promoting your business is.

Speak to us to find out about how to order Sprout products and how to customize them with your logo or message.

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Be bold with unique promotional products

Be bold with unique promotional products

For centuries, businesses have used promotional products to advertise themselves to individuals and other businesses. For the past few decades, plastic has been the material of choice for promotional products, but we say plastic has had its day. Promotional products that are made from sustainable materials like wood are becoming more popular as people realize the importance of having a green mindset.

Tired of the ordinary? Choose unique promotional products

How many plastic promotional pens have you collected from exhibitions or trade fairs, which after a few uses run dry and you then bin? Dozens, Hundreds? Do you even remember the names of the companies who gave you these pens? Probably not!

With unique promotional products, like the plantable Sprout pencil, you can leave a lasting positive impact on the people who receive your promotional products and also the planet.

Grow your company and a green mindset with the plantable Sprout pencil…

We’re super excited to say that the plantable Sprout pencil is the original and patented ‘plantable writing instrument’. We’re incredibly proud to hold this patent as it’s a sign that when you order plantable Sprout pencils, you’re getting a high-quality product that’s produced using sustainable production methods.

All our plantable Sprout pencils are made from sustainably harvested wood. This means for every tree that is felled to make our pencils, another tree is planted to replace it. The writing material inside our pencils is a mixture of non-toxic graphite and clay. The unique seed capsule that’s found at the top of the pencils is made from a plant-based material that decomposes when placed in soil. All the seeds we use are non-GMO – this means they’re produced through natural pollination and not grown artificially in a lab.

Choose to order the original graphite pencil as part of your promotional products. Or, if you’re looking for something different decide to go with our color or plantable Sprout Rainbow pencil that contains three colors in one; red, yellow and blue.

For large orders over 25,000, you have the option of choosing a custom seed – allowing you to offer your guests, customers and friends a truly unique promotional product. Smaller quantities of customized plantable Sprout pencils are available through our webshop to organizations and businesses in the EU.

How to customize Sprout products

Custom promotional products leave a stronger impression on the receiver.

Customizing your plantable Sprout pencils is easy:

1. Decide on the type of pencils you want to use
2. Decide if you wish your pencils to have your logo and message engraved or color printed – color print is currently on available in Europe
3. Decide if you want to package your pencils – you can feature your pencils on customized single cards or in stylish display boxes
4. Once you’re happy, get in touch with our friendly sales team for an order form

Put a smile on people’s faces with innovative promotional products ideas

Promotional products are incredibly versatile which makes them a cost-effective way of promoting your business. If you’re lacking inspiration on how to use your promotional products, here are some ideas based on what Sprout customers have done:

Team building events

With large organizations, teams are often located over numerous sites. Team building events are great at reconnecting teams, reaffirming relationships and for sharing ideas. Hand out custom promotional products to your employees as a memento of the day.

Product launches

There’s nothing more exciting for a business than launching a new product onto the market. Mark this special occasion by giving away promotional products that carry a sustainable message to attendees of the event.

Trade fairs

Having a stand at a trade fair is a great opportunity to introduce industry leaders to your product, to catch up with colleagues and to also see what your competitors are offering. Some trade fairs have hundreds of exhibitors, so to attract visitors to your stand consider giving away unique promotional products like the plantable Sprout pencil.

Giveaways at reception

Visitors to business premises are usually required to sign into buildings. Instead of using plastic pens for your guests to write their signature, give them a plantable Sprout pencil that’s customized with your company logo to use instead. Encourage them to keep the pencil and reuse it at the office or at home.

Launching a company-wide sustainable initiative

We feel there’s no better way to launch a company-wide, sustainable initiative than with a pencil that grows into a tree! Our Plant A Tree contains spruce seeds and is the ideal promotional product to launch your company’s Plant A Tree initiative or other green campaigns. Plus, it can be customized with your logo and company message.

What people say about Sprout

We’re incredibly proud of the plantable Sprout pencil and we love hearing what individuals and businesses have to say about them. Here’s a selection of glowing comments that we’ve received:

“The Sprout pencil is an original, eco-friendly and very popular gift idea. The demand is high, we are impressed by the sales and are urged to reorder much faster than we expected.” – Jesper Lawcock, Nature Planet

“The entire hotel is loving this great idea.” – Room Operations Manager, Marriott

“The product was delivered promptly and is of a very high quality. Thank you! Will certainly order them again.” – Amazon review

“People liked the idea and the pencils very much.” – Julia Bas, Porsche

Here for all your promotional products needs

Sustainability is part of our DNA and we love seeing organizations using Sprout products and showing their support for protecting this awesome planet we’re lucky enough to call home. If you’ve got a question about the plantable Sprout pencil or how to order our products, get in touch. We’re a friendly bunch!

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Plant A Tree

Plant A Tree

We’re really proud of our plantable Sprout pencils and you are too; individuals, organizations and institutions regularly tell us how much they love writing with our pencils and planting them after use. So, we’re thrilled to be telling you we’ve got a new pencil to add to our plantable pencil family; a pencil that can grow into a tree. Yes, really!

We’ve been working hard behind the scenes testing different tree types and seed sizes to find the one that fits our seed capsule. After lots of research, we decided on the Spruce tree.

Why we created a pencil that can grow into a tree

Making items that give back to nature is central to our mission of getting more people to care about the planet. And creating a pencil that can then grow into a tree is the ultimate gift for nature as trees sustain life.

As the biggest plants on the planet, trees soak up toxins and store carbon while releasing oxygen. Trees also stabilize the soil and provide food and shelter for insects, birds and animals.

As you can see, trees are terrific and the more that are on the planet, the better life is for everyone.

Let’s talk about Spruce

There are thousands of different varieties of trees so you’d think finding the right one for our Plant A Tree pencil would be easy. Not exactly! We wanted a tree that can grow and survive in different climates and it had to have a seed that would fit inside our seed capsule. We finally decided on the Spruce and what a special tree it is.

The Spruce is part of the pine family and its native to the northern hemisphere. They are incredibly fast growers and Spruce trees can reach head-spinning heights – the tallest Spruce was recorded over 300 feet! Who knows how tall our Spruce seeds will grow?

The wood from a Spruce tree is incredibly strong, and it’s often chosen as the wood of choice for making musical instruments. Spruce trees, though, are mostly recognized as being used as Christmas trees. So, with our Plant A Tree pencil, you now have the chance to grow your own Christmas tree that can be enjoyed for years to come. How great is that?

Pencils for people who are nutty about trees

Our Plant A Tree Edition contains 5 graphite pencils that have special tree quotes like ‘He who plants a tree, plants hope’ and ‘Plant a memory, plant a tree, do it today for tomorrow’ color printed on each pencil. At the end of each pencil is a plant-based material seed capsule housing the Spruce seeds that germinate within 2-3 weeks once planted.

The 5 pencils are packaged in a decorative box and they make a great gift for yourself, friends or loved ones.

Use Plant A Tree pencils as corporate gifts

For organizations or institutions that want to send a visible message of sustainability, our Plant A Tree pencils are a perfect choice. Our Plant A Tree pencils:

- Are made from sustainably harvested wood. This means that for every tree that is cut down another one is planted to replace it
- Contain a writing material that is made from non-toxic graphite
- Come with a seed capsule that is created using plant-based materials

Strengthen your support for sustainability by customizing Plant A Tree pencils with your company logo and message. You can choose to add these details through engraving or for organizations in the EU/UK you also have the option of color printing.

Using UV printing and non-toxic ink we can add intricate details in near enough any color to our Plant A Tree pencils. And, as the ink is durable and water-resistant you don’t have to worry about the design smudging.

Customized Plant A Tree pencils have many usages. They can be:

- Given away at internal events like the release of your annual CSR report
- Used to attract people to your stand at conferences, exhibitions or trade shows
- Used as innovative business cards instead of traditional paper/card cards
- Gifted in goodie-bags at hotels and restaurants
- Used as part of a company ‘Plant A Tree campaign’

Plant a green mindset with your guests, customers and partners with our Plant A Tree pencils.

Sprouting a Spruce is easy

With our Plant A Tree pencil, you don’t have to be ‘green-fingered’ to grow a Spruce tree from a seed. Firstly, enjoy writing, doodling or drawing with your pencil and then when it’s too short to use, place the plant-based material seed capsule in a pot (or whatever you can find that works as a plant container), place in a sunny spot and water it. In as little as 2 / 3 weeks you’ll start to see shots of a Spruce tree growing!

That’s not all! We’re thrilled to tell you that when you buy Sprout pencils from our EU webshop, you also have the option of personalizing your pencils with your own message. The possibilities are endless for personalized Sprout pencils; you could personalize them with the details of your wedding and send them out to friends and family as ‘Save the Date’ invites. Or, you could personalize pencils with an inspiring message and gift to new connections at small business meetings or networking events.

Personalizing Sprout pencils is currently available for orders of 25 to 400 pencils.

Plant A Tree and leave a lasting legacy

Trees are the earth’s lungs, and there’s no better way to grow a tree than from a pencil that has come to the end of its life. A pencil can create drawings or doodles or it can be used to make important business notes. And, as a Spruce tree, it provides a home for nature as well as supplying oxygen to sustain life.

Leave a lasting legacy by gifting a Plant A Tree Edition to your family and friends or buy a pack for yourself to enjoy at home! As an organization consider customizing the Plant A Tree pencil with your logo and message and using them as giveaways or gifts at exhibitions, conferences or internal events.

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There’s only one Earth, let’s look after it

There’s only one Earth, let’s look after it

Earth Day has been taking place every year on 22nd April since 1970. Today, its mission remains strong – to raise public awareness of the effects that the choices we make has on the planet. 🌍

Talking about taking care of the planet is all well and good, but real change only happens when people start taking action. There are many ways you can get involved, and one of the easiest is swapping plastic products for sustainable, eco-friendly alternatives.

Why we need Earth Day

There’s no denying that a growing global population is having a huge impact on the planet.
Plastic is one of the biggest pollutants, and it’s used in so many products, some of which you’ll be surprised about like chewing gum, toothpaste, tea bags and clothing.

Earth Day acts as a conscious reminder of how vital it is that all of us do whatever we can to protect the planet for future generations. As well as encouraging people to take action on an individual level, it also focuses attention a national and even global level on the importance of working together.

Write a message of hope with plantable Sprout pencils

You may be surprised to know that a small item like a plastic pen can take up to 1000 years to decompose – this isn’t fantastic. While we know that our pencils won’t save the world, they do help to cut down on plastic waste while giving goodness back to the planet.

Our plantable pencils are eco-friendly and biodegradable. Every pencil is made from sustainably sourced wood, and from one tree, we can make a staggering 176,000 pencils.

What makes our pencils extraordinary is that they have a second life – after you’ve written, drawn or doodled with your pencil you can plant it to grow into herbs, flowers, vegetables and even a spruce tree. Yep, that’s right, with our Plant A Tree Edition, you can now turn your pencil back into a tree – yippee!

Gifts that keep on giving

If you’re tired of using plastic pens that end up in a landfill, or if you’re looking for a green gift for someone special, then our plantable pencils are the perfect solution. You can browse and buy all our pencil editions on our EU webshop or on Amazon.

Our plantable pencils also make unique sustainable corporate gifts that can be customized and given away at conferences, trade fairs or gifted to your customers. Speak to us to find out about the different customization options, to request a price list or to place an order. Our friendly team is waiting to help.

Use makeup to plant a green mindset

Our plantable Sprout pencils are so popular, we had the thought, how can we offer this concept to more people? After months of research and planning, the newest member of the Sprout family is here; the Sprout Eyeliner.

The Sprout Eyeliner is the world’s first patented, plantable eyeliner. Just like the Sprout pencil, when the Sprout Eyeliner is too short to use it can be planted – the eyeliner grows into beautiful bee-friendly wildflowers. Wonderful, yes?

The Sprout Eyeliner is kind to you and the planet. Feel good knowing that the eyeliner pencil is made from certified wood and contains a soluble cellulose seed that dissolves in water. Look great using an eyeliner that’s vegan formula, that’s developed without microplastics and that is AllergyCertified.

The Sprout Eyeliner is available to buy in packs of 1, 2 or 5 on our EU webshop. We’re working hard to make the Sprout Eyeliner available to other markets soon.

Spread a lasting message of sustainability with Sprout

The small sustainable steps we take every day will ensure the planet’s survival for generations to come. Spread this important message with plantable Sprout pencils and the new Sprout Eyeliner.

The certified wood and soluble cellulose seed capsule used in both our plantable Sprout pencils and the Sprout Eyeliner helps grow a mindset. In turn, this leads to a greener, healthier and happier planet for all. 💚

That’s not all! We’re thrilled to tell you that when you buy Sprout pencils from our EU webshop, you also have the option of personalizing your pencils with your own message. The possibilities are endless for personalized Sprout pencils; you could personalize them with the details of your wedding and send them out to friends and family as ‘Save the Date’ invites. Or, you could personalize pencils with an inspiring message and gift to new connections at small business meetings or networking events.

Personalizing Sprout pencils is currently available for orders of 25 to 400 pencils.

If you’re an organization that’s interested in customizing a larger volume (400 + pencils) of Sprout pencils with your logo and company message, please get in touch with our sales team.

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Be visible with branded promotional items

Be visible with branded promotional items

If you want to advertise your business there are so many ways you can do it, TV advertising, on the radio, with outdoor advertising or with billboard adverts. This huge choice means that on a typical day people are exposed to an average of 5000 ads. That’s a massive amount of information and it makes it incredibly difficult for people to differentiate one brand from another.

Give people something they can remember your brand with by gifting branded promotional items.

Do people want branded promotional items?

People love receiving ‘freebies’, particularly items that are useful like pencils, writing pads and diaries. Studies have shown that promotional items are used for an average of eight months. Yet businesses often overlook them in favor of spending money on online advertising or social media posts or stories.

Give your customers what they want and at the same time be better than your competitors by including branded promotional items in your marketing plan.

The future is green

Take a look at your desk or peak inside your satchel or work bag. How many pens do you have that are made of plastic? 2, 4 or more? This may not seem like a big amount but when you consider that a single plastic pen can take up to 1000 years to decompose, what’s sitting on your desk could still be around in a millennium. That’s scary!

With an increased emphasis on the impact that humans are having on the planet, now is the time to ditch plastic branded promotional items for alternatives that are eco-friendly and sustainable. The great news is that our plantable pencils are fully sustainable and they come with a special surprise – they can be planted to sprout new life.

Sprout pencils are made from sustainably harvested wood. This means when a tree is cut down to make our pencils, another tree is planted to replace it. The writing material is made from natural graphite which is non-toxic so it’s safe for people of all ages to use. We only use non-GMO seeds, and these are contained in a seed capsule that’s made from a plant-based material that biodegrades when placed in soil.

Not a single part of the pencil is wasted, as the pencil itself acts as a plant-name tag so the receiver will never forget what type of plant it is.

Choose from graphite, color or opt for our Rainbow pencil that has three colors in one and then decide what type of seed you want. There are herbs, flowers, a vegetable and even a tree seed – the magnificent spruce. Don’t forget you can customize your pencils with your logo and company message for the perfect eco-friendly branded promotional items.

Get inspired by these green-conscious brands

Brands across the world are seeing the value of using sustainable branded promotional items. Here is a selection of businesses who have chosen Sprout plantable pencils for their promotional items:


Healthware is a global consulting group that focuses on sales and marketing in the healthcare sector. They chose to include customized Sprout pencils in their work essentials pack that was handed out to all their employees at their annual Kick-Off event.

“The Sprout pencil is good at communicating innovation and sustainability, and it has a strong recycling message.” – Global Marketing & Communications Team


Ikea Belgium chose to celebrate the launch of their sustainability report by gifting customized Sprout pencils on single card. The card detailed all of Ikea’s sustainability highlights from the past year and this along with the pencil was given to their employees.

“The plantable pencil was a fun gadget and the reactions were very positive.” Iris de Herdt,
Sustainability Department IKEA, Belgium

The Sustainable City

The Sustainable City located in Dubai is the first net zero energy development in the Emirate of Dubai. The city includes homes, hotels, restaurants, offices and healthcare facilities. Plantable Sprout pencils with customized engraving are gifted to visitors who attend expos and conferences that are held at the city.

“The symbolic act of planting something after use is amazing. It´s good for opening a conversation.” – Michael Solvsten, Operations Director, The Sustainable City

Be bold with your branded promotional items

We all have a part to play in protecting the planet. So, how about using the opportunity of promoting your business to your customers and partners to also spread a sustainable message? It’s easy and fun to do with the right item!

Instead of gifting plastic-pens that are thrown in the bin because they’re broken or are no longer usable, giveaway customized plantable Sprout pencils and start a conversation about the importance of sustainability with a pencil that sprouts new life. 💚 Speak to our friendly team to find out more.

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Start a conversation with custom promotional items

Start a conversation with custom promotional items

Use custom promotional items to grab the buyer’s attention and to start a conversation about how your business can benefit from them. Promotional items that are branded with your logo and message create a lasting memory of your brand, which increases the chances of people buying from you in the future.

Yet not all customized promotional items are made equal – a large majority contain plastic, which isn’t fantastic! See how plantable Sprout pencils can raise awareness of your business while also showing that you take sustainability seriously.

Is there value in promotional items?

The world is digitally driven but promotional items still have their place in driving awareness of your brand. Whereas an online advert or a social media post will hold a person’s attention for a few seconds. Promotional items can be kept and used for much longer – months or even years after someone has received them.

There are stats to suggest that 85% of people who receive a promotional item then go on to buy from the company. That’s incredible, and if you need proof that there’s value in promotional items, this is it.

Yet, some promotional items are more successful than others. When choosing custom promotional items for our business, pick ones that are useful, like pencils, for instance.

Put sustainability first

Do you know that a staggering 135 million plastic pens are made every day? As most plastic pens aren’t recyclable, that’s billions of tonnes of plastic that ends up in landfills each year.
Harmful waste seeps into the earth from this rotting rubbish. And, landfills also emit a huge amount of methane and CO2, which are some of the contributing causes of global warming.

By choosing to use plantable pencils instead of plastic pens for your customized promotional items, in a small way, you’re helping to reduce plastic waste and to grow more plants.

Each plantable Sprout pencil contains non-GMO seeds that can grow into herbs, flowers, vegetables and even trees when the pencils are no longer usable. It’s super easy to turn your pencil into a planet:

1. Fill a pot with soil
2. Plant the pencil at an angle of 30 degrees – making sure the seed capsule is covered in soil
3. Place the pot in natural sunlight
4. Water often
5. With a few weeks, shoots will start to sprout

Ideas on how to use your customized Sprout pencils

Whether you want to attract visitors to your conference or expo stand or are looking for eco-friendly customized promotional items to include in your gift bag, our plantable pencils are the perfect conversation starter.

Plantable Sprout pencils are unique, fun and most importantly, they’re a minimal waste product. Everyone who receives a plantable pencil remembers where they got it and who gifted it to them.

Here’s what some of our customers have to say about Sprout pencils:

“Our sales team is pleased to hand out the pencils at customer meetings. And the feedback has been very enthusiastic.” – Arla Foods Ingredients

“They look like normal pencils, but they can do so much more. I personally use them in my plant pots at home.” – Toyota Denmark A/S

“Sprout pencils are an innovation -something new and fresh.” – Le Meridien, Vienna

How to order your customized Sprout pencils

We know that you’re busy, so we’ve made the process of ordering customized plantable Sprout pencils easy.

First, decide what type of pencil you want; graphite or color, sharpened or unsharpened. Yes, we’ll even sharpen the pencils for you (at an additional cost). Next, choose what seed you want; there’s a range of herbs and flowers, vegetables and even a tree seed.

Now it’s time to choose how you want to customize your pencils. The standard option involves just the seed name been engraved on the pencil. Where with the personalized option, you can have your company logo and a message engraved or color printed (available in the EU only at present) onto the pencil.

Then it’s time to decide if you gift the pencils on their own or choose to display them on single card or in display boxes. The choice is yours.

Once you’re 100% certain of what you want, get in touch with our sales team for an order form.

Make a lasting connection with customized promotional items

We love it when a business decides to use branded plantable Sprout pencils for their customized promotional items. It means fewer plastic pens are used, more plants being grown and more people taking a step towards living a sustainable lifestyle.

Since 2013 we’ve worked with thousands of businesses to create branded pencils that are given away at conferences, trade fairs, expos or that are gifted to visitors to attractions, cafes or hotels. We can’t wait to work with you too!

If you want to talk about the different customization options or if you’ve got a question about placing an order, our friendly team is here to help.

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Business promotional items with an added purpose

Business promotional items with an added purpose

Individuals and organizations have a wide choice of businesses that they can buy from, but they typically choose businesses they trust. An easy way to build up your brand recognition and, over time create trust with your people is with business promotional items.

Items like pencils or notebooks will attract visitors to your expo or conference stand – because everyone loves getting something for free! They also make great memorable mementos of a visit to your hotel, restaurant or attraction. But there’s a downside – most items contain plastic that isn’t biodegradable.

Plastic isn’t fantastic

Plastic is used in just about everything. That’s because it’s easy to produce, it’s highly versatile and it’s cheap. But all that used plastic has to end up somewhere. Sadly, it’s either dumped in landfills or it ends up in our oceans where it pollutes that water, harms the sea life and kills off marine animals.

Even a small item like a simple plastic pen can take up to 1000 years to decompose. That’s truly shocking! We need to change the way we think and act now to ensure the survival of the planet. That’s not being overdramatic; it’s a fact.

Plantable pencils for eco-conscious brands

Sprout pencils are the original and patented plantable pencils. This patent acts as a guarantee that every pencil you purchase will be of high-quality.

All our pencils are made from sustainably harvested wood and the writing material is made from natural graphite and clay (lead is never used in our pencils). All our seeds are non-GMO – natural wondrous is guaranteed, and the seeds are stored in a capsule that’s made from plant-based material that dissolves in soil.

The pencil can be planted to grow into plants, like herbs, flowers, vegetables and even a tree after use. 🌲 Yep, from a small seed, a magnificent spruce can be grown. This makes our Plant A Tree pencils perfect for a company’s Plant A Tree initiative.

Swap your plastic business promotional items for plantable Sprout pencils and help to grow a mindset like these brands have:

Toyota Denmark A/S

Toyota gifted Sprout pencils on single card to their employees and participants of a sustainability conference. Everyone loved the idea of the pencil and the pencils fitted perfectly with the theme of the conference.

“The Sprout pencil is perfectly in line with our values; it supports recycling, renewal and it has a positive impact on the planet.” – Frank C. Okoisor, President, Toyota Denmark A/S


Mosaicoelearning is one of Italy’s largest providers of online learning. They chose branded Sprout pencils on customized cards as business promotional items to gift to attendees of their annual LEARNING360 event.

“The gift was highly appreciated, and in the days following the event we received a lot of positive feedback.” – Marketing and Event Manager, Mosaicoelearning, Italy

Create a memorable gift with these customize options

We understand that promotional items you choose for your business need to reflect your brand. That’s why we offer a range of options for you to choose from to customize your pencils.

You may wish to engrave your logo and company message onto the pencils, or if you’re in the EU, we can also offer color printing. Using precision UV printing, we can print in any color, and you’ll be pleased to know that the inks we use are waterproof and durable, so your logo or message won’t smudge. Safety is also a top priority for us, and the ink we use is EN71-3 certified, which means it’s safe for everybody to use.

If you want to include more detail in your message, feature your customized pencils on single card or in packs of three or five pencils.

How to customize Sprout pencils

We’ve made it as easy as possible to customize our pencils and display cards and boxes (if you choose this!). It can be done in five simple steps:

1. Choose your pencil – graphite or color? Sharpened or unsharpened?
2. Pick your seed – herb, flower, vegetable or tree
3. Choose your customization – stick with the standard pencil or do you want to add your logo and company name?
4. Pick your packaging – single card or display boxes
5. Place your order

To create the best design for your brand we’ve put together easy-to-use templates that you can give to your graphic designer. This guarantees that your final design will fit the pencils, and this also speeds up the order process, so you don’t have to wait to get your pencils.

Make Sprout World your supplier of sustainable business promotional items

Getting more people to care about the natural world is our mission at Sprout World. If we’re trying to convince others that going ‘green’ is the best way forward, then we have to champion sustainability ourselves.

Sprout pencils are fully sustainable and plastic-free. Yippee! To cut down our carbon footprint, we work with production partners that are central to our biggest markets, Europe and the US. Our partners have been carefully chosen, and our pencils are manufactured under conditions that meet the sustainable development of local communities, including climate, environment, living conditions, ethical considerations, health and much more.

We know we’re not perfect (yet!), but we continually look for ways to improve our production and delivery processes.

Give a gift that gives back

Why spend your money on promotional items for your business that only last a few months? Sprout pencils are the original plantable pencils, and they’re also patented to guarantee their high-quality. People will also be amazed to know that when the pencil is no longer usable it can be planted to grow into fresh herbs, luscious flowers, tasty vegetables and even a spruce tree – which they and future generations to come can use as a Christmas tree. 🎄

So, say goodbye to single-use business promotional items and switch to sustainable gifts that keep on giving.

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Gift custom promotional products to grow your brand

Grow your brand with promotional products

In a digitally driven world, of course, your business should focus on building a robust presence online, but in this busy space, it’s easy for your brand’s message to get lost. Custom promotional products that feature your logo or company name provide another way for your brand to get noticed.

The majority of promotional products are wholly or partially made of plastic. This isn’t fantastic for the planet as these products end up in landfills. Change to eco-friendly custom promotional products and show people that you care about sustainability. Corporate gifting gone green? You bet!

Give your digital presence a boost with custom promotional products

Whether you sell to other businesses or to individuals, custom promotional products provide a ‘tangible’ feel for your brand. A promotional product like a pencil can be picked up, looked at and used, which isn’t possible with digital marketing. Because of this, promotional products help to make a lasting memory of your brand.

Promotional products are a great way to support and increase the reach of a digital campaign. For instance, if you’re launching a new initiative for your brand and are promoting it online, giving away a custom promotional product in-store or at a trade fair bolsters awareness and creates interest.

While your competitors may be focused on driving sales with digital marketing, why not be different and choose to build your brand’s exposure with custom promotional products that are branded your company’s logo and message as well. You won’t regret it – businesses that us promotional products enjoy greater customer loyalty.

Bin plastic promotional products for sustainable alternatives

When looking at promotional products, the impact they have on the planet may not be your first thought. That’s understandable, as design, costs and ease of shipping may be your first concern. But with the health of the planet at a tipping point, it’s important to consider what materials promotional products are made from.

For instance, you may not be aware that a single plastic pen can take up to 1000 years to decompose!

The good news is that there are custom promotional products available that are great at increasing the awareness of your brand and that are also sustainable – like our plantable Sprout pencils.

What’s special about Sprout pencils?

Sprout pencils aren’t ordinary pencils; they’re plantable pencils. Yes, that’s right, Sprout pencils can grow into fresh herbs, luscious flowers, tasty herbs and even spruce trees. It’s so wonderful to take a waste product and give it a second life. Our pencils are loved by people across the globe – since 2013 we’ve sold over 30 million pencils worldwide.

Three MIT students thought of the idea for the plantable pencil. Realizing the huge potential of this simple idea, Michael Stausholm acquired the rights and Sprout World was born. We’re proud to say that Sprout pencils are the original and patented plantable pencils. Our patent acts as a guarantee that the pencils you receive are top-quality in design and functionality.

We’re also delighted to say that Sprout pencils are a minimal waste product. Plantable Sprout pencils are made from sustainably harvested wood – for every tree that’s cut down to make our pencils, a new tree is planted in its place. We also ensure we get the maximum number of pencils out one tree. With advancements in our processes, we can make 175,000 pencils per tree.

The writing material is a mixture of non-toxic clay and graphite – making our pencils safe for everyone to use. The seeds we use are non-GMO which means they’re produced through natural pollination and not grown in a lab – wildlife, particularly bees are incredibly happy about this. The seeds are contained in a seed capsule that’s made from plant-based material. When placed in soil, the capsule dissolves, letting the seeds germinate and sprout into plants.

We think the best thing about plantable Sprout pencils is that they help show that leading a sustainable lifestyle is possible. By making small changes – like swapping plastic pens for plantable pencils – great things can be achieved.

Ideas how to use plantable Sprout pencils

There’s a growing demand from organizations for sustainable products; they’re looking for fun, innovative ways to communicate their green stance. Plantable Sprout pencils are the perfect option whether you’re launching a new product or are wanting to attract visitors to your stand at an expo or conference.

What use are promotional products if they aren’t branded with your company details? Not much! So, we offer several customized options to create your perfect custom promotional products. You can choose to engrave your company logo and message onto the pencils. Or, if you’re in the EU, you can opt for our color print option – a great alternative to engraving for organizations that want to use their brand colors.

In addition to this you can choose to feature your pencils on customized single card or in display boxes of three or five pencils.

Nature Planet, a leading supplier of quality toys, souvenirs and accessories to visitor attractions, distributes plantable Sprout pencils as gift ideas for museums and other attractions. This what they say about Sprout pencils:

“The Sprout pencil is an original, eco-friendly and very popular gift idea.” – Sales & Marketing Manager, Nature Planet.

Care for the planet with eco-friendly custom promotional products

Whatever industry your business is in, it will benefit from custom promotional products. By showing your customers and business partners that your promotional products are eco-friendly and sustainable, you’re also helping to grow a green mindset.

Ordering your customized plantable Sprout pencils is easy. Choose what type of pencil you want; decide how you want to customize it and whether you want to attach single cards to your pencils or display them in boxes. Finally, get in touch with our friendly sales team for an order form. Nothing complicated about that, is there?

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Unique promotional products that carry a green message

Unique promotional products that carry a green message

What’s the lead goal of your marketing strategy? Is it securing new customers? Expanding into a new market? Gaining more followers on social media? While it can be tempting to focus solely on digital marketing to achieve your goals, using unique promotional products to support your digital campaign can yield better results. The reason for this is that promotional products tend to be kept and used for a longish time – on average seven months.

In the past, people were happy to accept promotional products made of plastic. But plastic isn’t fantastic anymore.

Why pick plantable pencils for your unique promotional products

As well as being unique and fun to use, plantable Sprout pencils are fully sustainable.

We only use sustainably sourced wood to make our pencils. This means for every tree that is cut down to make Sprout pencils; another is planted to replace it. The writing material is made from organic, non-toxic graphite or clay – lead is never used in our pencils. The seed capsule found at the top of the pencil is made from cellulose, a plant-based material. When placed in soil, the seed capsule decomposes, allowing the non-GMO seeds to sprout into either herbs, flowers, vegetables and even trees.

Plantable Sprout pencils make great conversation starters, and they help to grow a green mindset. We believe no other promotional product does this!

Ways to customize your plantable pencils

As standard, our plantable pencils come with the name of the seed engraved on them. If you want to personalize your pencil, we offer a range of customization options. This includes:

1. Choice of graphite or color pencils (8 colors are available)
2. Pick of 11 seeds (please note that some seeds are only available in certain regions)
3. Selecting sharpened or unsharpened pencils
4. Engraving of your logo and company message
5. Color printing of your logo and message is also available for businesses in the EU
6. Featuring your pencil on a single card that’s customized with your message
7. Gifting 3 or 5 pencils in display boxes (the boxes can be branded with your company logo and message)With so much choice, your unique promotional products will make people stop and say “Wow”.

Brands who love Sprout’s unique promotional products

We’re always thrilled when a brand chooses plantable Sprout pencils to be part of their promotional product range. Here are a couple of the brands we work with:


Eurelectric, an EU electricity organization, included plantable Sprout pencils on single card as part of their speaker’s gift package. Sprout pencils are a perfect match for the summit’s focus on sustainability.

“Sprout pencils are a very good way to promote sustainable living among the guests of our events.” – Eurelectric

The Sustainable City

The Sustainable City in Dubai is a net zero property development which includes apartments, offices, food outlets and healthcare facilities. Customized plantable Sprout pencils are used as gifts for visitors to conferences and expos.

“The symbolic act of planting something after use is amazing. It’s good for opening a conversation.” – The Sustainable City

We hope these cases inspire you to include unique, sustainable promotional products in your marketing.

Grow a green mindset with your unique promotional products

Living a sustainable lifestyle is the responsibility of individuals, but companies and organizations must also do their part to protect the planet. A simple way to start is switching plastic promotional products for eco-conscious alternatives – like plantable Sprout pencils.

Sprout pencils are practical, they’re fun to use and people are amazed when they realize that the pencils grow into plants – we believe you can’t find a better unique promotional product.

Ordering your pencils is super easy; pick your pencil, choose your seed, decide if you want to customize your pencils and then contact us for an order form.

If you want to know more about Sprout or if you’ve got a question about our plantable pencils, send us a message. Our team is here to help.

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Promotional items ideas for organizations that value sustainability

Promotional items ideas for organizations that value sustainability

There’s a vast range of products that you can choose from to promote your brand; pens, journals, mugs and water bottles… the list goes on. Sadly, most of these products contain plastic – which we know isn’t fantastic for the environment.

Sprout World’s mission is to get more people to care about the planet. We believe that organizations have a part to play in this as well. Our eco-friendly products can help you communicate your support for sustainability to your customers, employees and business partners.

Use promotional items to support your digital marketing

Marketing budgets aren’t limitless, and you have to carefully choose where you want to allocate your money. As we live in a digitally-driven world, there’s a temptation to focus solely on digital marketing and promotion, believing that this will give the best return on investment (ROI). The downside of digital marketing is that it can be short-lived. A tweet moves down the scroll after a few seconds or a social advert can be lost when an individual clicks to a different website.

We’re not saying that digital marketing shouldn’t be part of your marketing plan – it definitely should be! But for the best results, you should also invest in promotional items to support your digital marketing campaigns. Research shows that on average promotional items are kept for seven months. It’s also common for these items to be shared with colleagues or taken out to client meetings. So, an item that is customized with your logo or company name has the potential to be seen by many.

The planet doesn’t need more plastic promotional items

The world is awash with plastic, literally. Plastic items are found in the middle of oceans and are frequently washed up on the remotest beaches. Plastic is used in almost everything – including some things you may not be aware of; shampoo, face creams, toothpaste and chewing gum.

It doesn’t have to be like this. We believe that if everyone makes small changes in their day-to-day lives, great things can happen. For example, 135 million plastic pens are produced each day – most of which end up in landfills. By swapping plastic pens for plantable pencils, that’s potentially 135 million new plants grown each day. That’s impressive, right?

The best sustainable promotional item ideas from Sprout World

Visibly showing your organization’s support for sustainability is easy with Sprout. Here are just some of the ways we can help:

- Personalize pencils with your company logo or message
- Tell your company story with plantable pencils displayed on customized single cards
- Gift three or five customized pencils in display boxes with custom print and design
- Give away customized plantable Sprout pencils at conferences, seminars, trade shows and expos
- Gift our Plant A Tree pencil that contains spruce seeds to employees, stakeholders and business partners to support your organizations Plant A Tree campaign
- Raise awareness of your sustainability ethos with employees and stakeholders by gifting plantable Sprout pencils at internal events

You don't have to be a large corporate organization to be able to make a difference. We’re thrilled to tell you that it’s now possible to customize smaller orders of plantable Sprout pencils – the minimum order is 10 pencils - so even smaller companies can get involved 🙂

Sustainable pencils for organizations that are passionate about the planet

Sprout World was launched in 2013 and since then we’ve supplied millions of plantable pencils to organizations across the world. Here is some feedback we’ve received from our happy customers:


Promotional items ideas for all events

We understand that each business is different. That’s why we offer several customization options so that you can create the perfect promotional item for your brand and event. Whether you want to include an eco-friendly giveaway in your gift package or if you want to sell personalized plantable pencils in your gift shop, we’re sure our pencils will be a big hit with your guests and visitors.

Ordering your plantable Sprout pencils is easy; decide what type of pencil you want, choose your seed, decide if you want to customize your pencils, or if you want them to be featured on single card or in display boxes, then contact us for an order form. It’s that easy!